
Showing posts from January, 2023

Ishtar and Baal (see for yourself)

I am sick of the media demonizing conservatives at every turn.  The demonization of the Right is unacceptable, and if you consider yourself a conservative and you watch TV, movies, the news (TV and Online), or watch Netflix, you are being brainwashed without your even expecting it.  Imagery, representation, and pixels create a world in your mind of you cannot reverse except through some sort of debriefing. PLEASE stop these behaviors or visit your own demise. If you are exposed to these media, you may well never reverse the damage that they do.  Your views on many issues important to conservatism are being altered and are under attack. May the grace of the Lord our Savior cleanse you of all unrighteousness you have been exposed to.  See these pieces of artwork:

Encouragement for the Outlier

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers: The Story of Success states,   Gladwell says in Outliers that "Being a successful lawyer is about a lot more than IQ. It involves having (a) kind of fertile mind" Being in the right place at the right time is a measure of how successful a person will become in life. Michael Batnick explains Gladwell's theory in the following: "   explains why two-thirds of Canada's pro hockey players were born in January or February "  If you are not heard, move along. Your audience is out there.  Go West young man, Go West, as the saying goes, attributed to Horace Greeley who also wrote " Washington [D.C.] is not a place to live in. The rents are high, the food is bad, the dust is disgusting and the morals are deplorable. Go West, young man, go West and grow up with the country "  Just think of being called deplorable by a political figure when indeed that PERSON is THEMself errant in THEIR ways. Look in the mirror WOMXN. Th...


I realize that some of you think that what I write about postcolonialism, postmodernism, and the posttruth world stems from and was problematized in the 1960s, but I tell you, it is a MORE REAL threat to Christianity than ever before, as in TODAY.  Your children and young people, generations, not just “hippies,” are being brainwashed by K-12, academia (i.e., higher education), and in WORKPLACES. You must understand the moves that have been made by several key players in the world this last century: Jean-François Lyotard, Homi K Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, and Edward Said, not to speak of Jacques Derrida and anti-police-state-pusher Jacques Rancière, and so many others, one cannot count them all.   In the work of these people, we see the centers of Western culture being destroyed, for example, the subject or self, nation, family, and free market economy, and not just these; there are more I have touched on throughout my blog posts in the past year. I am attaching a...

21st century prophecies

In 21 Lessons for the 21 st Century , the GREAT prophet spoke, saying mockingly, “After all, we are God’s nation, so the argument goes, so what’s good for our nation is pleasing to God.  There certainly are religious sages who reject nationalist excesses and adopt far more universal visions. Unfortunately, such sages don’t wield much political power these days” uttering the excellent, profound, and provocative words, “the handmaid of nationalism is religion” as well, “Religions, rites, and rituals will remain important as long as the power of humankind rests on mass cooperation and as long as mass cooperation rests on belief in shared fiction” and “past experiences of the whole of humanity, will become less reliable guides” “The Zionist story fails to ascribe any meaning to Chinese Empires, to the tribes of New Guinea, and to the Andromeda galaxy, as well as to the countless eons that passed before the existence of Moses, Abraham, and the evolution of the apes” and “eternity is at...

the Confusion

Okay, I am not obsessed with this guy, but he is a clanging voice for progressives who would advance many of the problems in the world today. YN Harari writes, in 21 Lessons for the 21st Century , “Religions, rites, and rituals will remain important as long as the power of humankind rests on mass cooperation and as long as mass cooperation rests on belief in shared fictions . . . religions still have a lot of political power, in as much as they can cement national identity and even ignite the Third World War”  This fellow is full of himself in as much as he believes that he is right and that what he is talking about could start THE Third World War when actually he is gaining traction in the minds of those who would be taken in by the New World Order. Many decades before this character was born, the media and many people, in general, were worried about the creation of THE Third World War.  When Ayatollah Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Ronald Reagan were on the...

Empire to regime

 In Schmit's compilation it is stated that “ International organizations (and governments) started to become more significant external actors after the period of colonial rule ”  One could argue that colonial rule never ended, because instead of Empires ruling subjects in the Global South, really Soviet and Chinese communism, along with Western capitalism took on that role. (more to come)   In the past century, international aid has become an essential part of the foreign policy toolkit. It is especially popular among former colonial powers which spend the majority of their aid budgets on countries that once were part of their empires ”  This may be a result of white guilt, this may be a fine example of how it works on a large scale.  There is implied in the aid that would be given a brown people a type of social helping.   In a way this can be demeaning to the indigenous folk because it will seem patronizing. The help would also push Western of c...

Twisted words of a prophet . . . . . . .

“The pandemic has faced humankind with two sets of choices. The first: totalitarian surveillance or citizen empowerment. The second: nationalist isolation or global solidarity. To deal with the pandemic, a well-informed population is much more powerful than a policed, ignorant one. Global cooperation is the only effective measure against it Let’s hope the coronavirus helps humankind to realize the acute danger posed by global disunity” (quote from YN Harari) The Harari fallacy here is the equivocations by analogy, as follows: 1 st A or B and 2 nd C or D, wherein A is to C as B is to D (analogy). So, totalitarian surveillance includes nationalist isolation, in Harari’s estimation.   Well, if a nation allows infiltration through its borders and that is not policed, it is looking for trouble. The utter freedom to do any blasted thing people want perpetuates chaos. Hence citizen empowerment really does not match global solidarity because that would restrict freedoms.   Harari ...

THE PROPHET . . . (of the Left)

Get a load of this Yuval Noah Harari,  he is the prophet of the Left, so it is believed:

Creating Environmentalist Utopic One World Religion

Lee Penn in “False Dawn: the united religions initiative, globalism, and the quest for a one-world religion ” writes about the movement to create a global religion which was chiefly initiated out of attack on fundamentalist religions (as though they are bad, which I will return to in a bit). Penn writes that when the global movement was initiated “Bishop Swing of the Episcopal Church’s Diocese of California launched in 1995 , describes itself as ‘a growing global community dedicated to promoting enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, ending religiously motivated violence and creating cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings’”  This initiative includes the World Economic Forum, but may also include the likes of the Leftist prophet, and green movement persons which orchestrated the union on Mt Sinai in 2022.  “’Yosef Abramowitz smashes tablets atop Jebel Musa in Egypt, thought by some to be the site of Mount Sinai, to symbolize the world’s lack...

End Racism and Hate, change the Chiefs' and Cowboy's names . . . . .

Chiefs' fans are racist, given their chant during football games. Since the Redskins and the baseball Indians had to change, the Chiefs should also. For that matter, Cowboys used to scalp Indigenous people. This practice was adopted from European methods of wartime humiliation. Since we are in the mood to change everything to more sensitive titles, there could be found a great number of things to change .

Come Out of Babylon Part 4, stand for Life

How can one pray against the culture of death and then pray for favor upon a president who announced he will make Roe the law of the land? This is unintelligible and saddening to think that there would be a leader with so little insight into what is going on in the world. Does your leader pray like this? You may want to ask your leader to choose a side and be consistently for it.  These kinds of contradictions are not acceptable and should not be allowed in a public space, which is what the church should be. It makes the church’s teaching, no matter how strong it is, appear to be obsolete. That one contradiction happens and then all the right teaching goes down the tubes.  Wide is the road that leads to destruction, narrow the path that leads to life. If you are politically for a person who believes abortion is acceptable then you need to reconsider your approach to the God of life. We scream for such words not to be uttered in prayer, for that is the way that leads to folly ...

Socialism does not work

Dr Mangalwadi (in India), disenfranchised by the lack of ability of his culture, though much older than any Western civilization, to handle modern situations, said:   “Even Mahatma Gandhi, universally praised for his leadership of the non-violent revolution that led to India’s independence in 1947, could not have succeeded had there not been a good Indian civil service, a good justice system, and politicians schooled in democratic ways by the British” This Mangalwadi did not see the Hinduism or Buddhism as having the tools to deal with the modern world effectively.   This is counter to the Left that preaches so much about the superiority of cultures other than Western culture. Mangalwadi’s assessment , as accurate as it is, flies in the face of the progressives, who are trying to press Western civilization into nonexistence and establish socialist rule.   Anyone can see that socialism has not worked anywhere in the West, outside of Europe.   The United states is not ...

Come out of Babylon, Part 3, doctrines, theologies, and traditions

 Archeologist William F Albright, when arguing in From t he Stone Age to Christianity that Jesus’ Christology was an adaptation of previous lore, stated that that one could “never know to just what extent details of the messianic framework of the Gospels are literally true” indicating that some of Christiann myth (if you will) originated in the milieu of Babylonian myth about Tammuz.  What is interesting today is the extent to which some orthodox churches consider such syncretism and other theories about the evidence and belief in the falsehood of the resurrection of Jesus.  How twisted and frightening life must be for those ‘Christians,” given no belief in the resurrection.  No hope?  But there are ways in which even the truest of orthodox churches and other churches have fallen in love with traditions, theology, and doctrine. This, to understand Babylon, one would have to see what Paul meant by falling into philosophies and teachings that are not the Gospel...

Headline on Homelessness

Headline: More cities and states make homeless encampments a crime, leaving low-income people with few options It seems that liberals and progressives are missing the mark.  Shouldn’t these people be sheltered or given homes. What the  . . . is going on here.  Our compassionate theys are not living up to their promises. The Bidenonics are not working, trillions of dollars spent and still deject poverty and homelessness still are major issues.  500.000 homeless in one night in the US is a problem, a SOCIAL PROBLEM. Needless to say the mentally ill are not effectively treated, other than to be locked at the hint that they “cannot care for themselves,” which is a crime against humxnity itself. Treating MI people is one thing, locking them up for a perceived inability to take care of themselves is heinous.  Whatever is going on here is not being helped by the new people that are in entering the US  in hordes. Lord Jesus have mercy, Christ have mercy.  ...

Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr and the environmental movement

  Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr did not address the Ecosystem in any way, as he is proposed to have in the following quote by “He died before the modern environmental movement, but a growing body of research around pollution and health shows that his belief about segregation hurting everyone extends to the environment as well….” It is fallacious to extend such assumptions about Dr King.   When some church group, social justice group, University or organization bids the notion that Dr King cared about the environment, it is a fiction.   We mustn’t put words on the mouth of Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mao Zedong, Pancho Villa (Doroteo Arango), Mahatma Gandhi, Krishna   or Dr King.     These would be called apocryphal and thus not fit into the truth of those traditions.

writing History

Paul Scott writes, “To make the preparation of any account a reasonable account [the historian] would have to adopt an attitude towards the available material. The action of such an attitude is rather like that of a sieve. Only what is relevant to such an attitude gets through. The rest gets thrown away. The real relevance and truth of what gets through the mess depend on the relevance and truth of the attitude” All the while concerned about power, Michel Foucault writes about the representation of language/power as it is relevant to the construction of history and knowledge.  And history is just what gets constructed by the powerful, as we will see the Left rewriting and revising history based on “new revelations” (per: Charles C. Mann, in the work entitled 1491 ) or based on new research (usually qualitative).  The “sieve” which strains out the crucial data is qualitative research these days, though there is the sprinkling in of what may be considered objective, quantitative...

Name of the Father, when doctor says "No"

 When you go to the doctor, that person may answer your question with a “no”  When your Father first spoke to you, according to psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, you realized that there was one Other than you.  The symbiotic relationship with your mother was interrupted. This is the point at which what Lacan says is “the Name/No of the Father” This segues into the notion or idea of a hierarchical set up of relationship and helps in understanding what stands between us and accessible knowledge that can be legitimated.  What becomes apparent in a hierarchy is that there is a top middle and bottom. At the top is what Lacan calls the Master Signifier, the determiner of the narrative which we call life. Doctors, lawyers, priests, pastors, all are Master Signifier and designate truth.   If you ever speak to/with any of these they almost immediately take on the role of the expert. Before you get a word out you will find yourself being instructed.   It is as if there ...

Indigenous people's world as unacceptable

In a manner of speaking total independence of colonized or formerly colonized worlds as such would be, according to Williams, “impossible but that cultural syncreticity is a valuable as well as an inescapable and characteristic feature of all post-colonial societies and indeed is the source of their peculiar strength“   To offer some help with understanding this would include defining “syncreticity.” ”Cultural syncretism” is the blending, adapting to, and pluralizing of multiple cultures into one.   Syncretism is believed to have happened in colonial worlds, but also many believe that the indigenous cultures have been squashed and paved over to the extent that it is impossible to recoup indigenous values, because of the capitalist overriding of culture. There is also the belief that a Marxist socialist revolution would be necessary to regain “freedom” for indigenous peoples. For some colonization is “a passing historical feature” (Ngugi)   Griffin states that “Some critic...

Science again, from a different angle

(Re)reading science is a boiling-hot topic.  Postcolonialist Lyn Carter intentionally complicates the nature of epistemological search in science by noting the hegemonic tendencies of Western pluralistic and multicultural approach to theorizing. This complicating is essential to the methodological approach for dehegemonializing (that is my new term) the Western approach to science, especially as it minimizes indigenous (used here with the intent not to make the typical Western heterogeneous and binariality indicative of Western epistemology) and “Other” world-approaches. It is assumed by Carter that variety cannot be recognized by Western science, as Carter recognizes the work of one Zygmunt Bauman.   Bauman writes, “forms of life do not succeed each other: they settle aside each other, clash and mix, crowd together in the same space/time . . .Variety of life-forms is here to stay. And so is the imperative of their coexistence” It may be the tendency of Western thought to...

System as sign

 Aren’t you tired of hearing the word “system” uttered by liberals?  This word is a “sign,” to use a construct straight out of popular parlance among liberals and progressives, it exists as a semiotic sign.  Semiotics is the theory of signs; it designates the many uses of the sign, the signifier, and the signified.  The word “system” is used to designate something that is created and maintained by the Left.  “Systems” are believed to be what drive meaning, but really it is meaning that drives system-language. This sign, “system,” is an intricate part of the Left’s narrative, to put it their way.  I am not sure that “narrative” is part of semiotic terminology, but they use it as such also, and so will I.  To say the sign, i.e. “system,” itself as if it refers to something that is real, is not entirely helpful.  Is there really a “system” that favors certain people and not others?  This sign, “system,” that is used as a decoy and it is a thing ...

EcoJustice, introductory statement . . . . . . . ..

Ecojustice is stupid, it is a development of the far Left.  You may think that they are saving the ecosystem, but they are destroying the economy and the human population.  Bill Gates will pass on to the next world after the nuclear holocaust; he will be able to plant all the seeds he has saved and recreate the ecosystem.  The truth is that he will not flourish, like the grass, he will wither.  The Word of God will last forever and with God the Father, the Spirit of the Holy God, Christ Jesus reigns forever and ever. 

God or not . . . . . . .. .

The name Israel was given as a big moment in the history of defense against atheism.  It means to wrestle with God or strive with God.  This position in theological musings is important because it demonstrates the continued struggle and rigors with the notion of God. If you are an atheist, you need to know how weak-minded and weak-kneed you are since you have come to such a simplistic conclusion. Your conclusion needs to measure up to the metaphysical approaches of science and critical theory. Adorno accounts in his works on metaphysics and ethics the following: “p hilosophy cannot give up, lest idiocy triumph in actualized unreason [ Widervernunft ] … Folly is truth in the shape that human beings must accept whenever, amid the untrue, they do not give up truth ” What further Adorno speaks of Truth he indicates that Truth is “ utopian in its reach, yet firmly tied to specific societal conditions ” it is something which points to and the “metaphysical” in Adorno’s understanding...

The Science

 Let alone Michel Foucault, Thomas Kuhn has demonstrated a knowledge of how science changes.  Using the deconstructive method in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Kuhn's argument is prolific and thoroughly explained.  Anyone with half a brain in their head understands that philosophy determines science.  Kuhn shows how different paradigms rule the day during what Foucault terms episteme or what might be considered eras.  Doctors tried to diagnose King George by testing the color of body excretions.  Buddhist medicine demonstrates malfunctions in the body based on humors.  Whenever I hear "the science" it gets under my skin.  Often there are those who label certain views as misinformation or disinformation.  It is laughable, but incendiary.  People are not allowed to have views anymore.  That condition asserts dysinformation.  Philosophy is trumped by propaganda.  Many followers of the science should marvel at the wor...

Narnia described as . . .

Scholars miss the mark all the time. Professor Louis Markos delivers a set of fascinating lectures on CS Lewis, but his statement on the nature of the prose in Narnia is fallacious.  He concludes that the intention of CS Lewis was not to present Christian allegory, hah!, I think he missed the boat.  Presumably Markos quotes Lewis discussing a dream that prompted the great CS Lewis to write the Chronicles of Narnia. Furthermore, even young people see the Christian allegories in Narnia.  What these types of scholars, like Markos, do is use critical methods based on presuppositions that are often off putting to Western traditions to take apart the ideas presented in the literature already. It is a shame that such scholars lecture on such fallacious ideologies in order to accomplish ends, often political or destructive to faith, which complicates simple matters.  In CS Lewis’ Men without Chests would be a strategy to address philosophies that under-gird teaching an...


Miller and McNamee, incredible sociologists they are, offer much evidence to support their claim, not that meritocracy is a myth, but that meritocracy is based on inaccurate representations of what it is to be at the top and the bottom “of the system” They offer a numbskull set of ideas could produce a truly meritocratic society: “discrimination could be reduced or eliminated” “the wealthy could be encouraged to redistribute greater amounts of their accumulated wealth” “the tax system could be redesigned”  “government resources could be allocated” Doesn’t this sound familiar? But, there is a deeper concern to have here with respect to society and its development.  These four ideas are based in domains which already have been addressed over the past 80 years.  These domains exist in large part as those which determine the society we live in now, which suffers the meritocratic blues.  Blues, and distorted perceptions they are based on, that describe the wa...

Come out of Babylon, Part 2, the need for roots

This quote was lifted from the annals of research that addresses the teaching of social justice in schools. I purposefully anchor the Orthodox Church (orthodox nominally, but all claiming to be teaching true orthodoxy) in the sentence to bring in relief the damage that orthodoxy is doing to the US and the world. “Almost all of (orthodox pastors) and teachers are daily resolutely and relentlessly attacking Western culture, rejecting American culture, and advocating cultural Marxism . . . “  This is a problem that needs to be addressed, the church needs to exodus from Babylon and seek itself in its Need for Roots. The church is not a benign, nor benevolent institution, with all its Christians united across the board. It is time to Root-out the heresies and injustices to our nation for the sake of the survival of the church, the church now is preaching against itself.  A house cannot stand divided against itself.  Where will you alleviate such teaching in the church?  ...

Joe's law

 "We will once again make Roe the law of the land"   President Joe Biden 

Come out of Babylon, Part 1, the curse of cultural relativism

Jay Medenwaldt indicates that Rod Dreher understands that “the Supreme Court decision regarding same-sex marriage as the final nail in the coffin for Christians in the culture war. Our loss is evidence that Christians need to try a new strategy and focus more on strengthening ourselves and our communities so that we can more effectively influence others” Dreher wrote “Post-Obergerfell Christians who hold to the Biblical teaching about sex and marriage have the same status in culture, and increasingly in law, as racists” These are harsh words and can be challenged, because there is no summation, in Dreher’s book, of the extent to which racists are held accountable for their beliefs, actions, and words.   This statement is simply an analogy which is not rooted in more than an opinion.    Does Dreher really understand the nature of racism, since he is a white fellow? He points to the movement of culture within Christians and their collusion with a culture which has “no inten...