Ishtar and Baal (see for yourself)

I am sick of the media demonizing conservatives at every turn.  The demonization of the Right is unacceptable, and if you consider yourself a conservative and you watch TV, movies, the news (TV and Online), or watch Netflix, you are being brainwashed without your even expecting it.  Imagery, representation, and pixels create a world in your mind of you cannot reverse except through some sort of debriefing. PLEASE stop these behaviors or visit your own demise. If you are exposed to these media, you may well never reverse the damage that they do.  Your views on many issues important to conservatism are being altered and are under attack. May the grace of the Lord our Savior cleanse you of all unrighteousness you have been exposed to.  See these pieces of artwork:

Ishtar and Baal ????? 


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