Come Out of Babylon Part 4, stand for Life
How can one pray against the culture of death and then pray for favor upon a president who announced he will make Roe the law of the land? This is unintelligible and saddening to think that there would be a leader with so little insight into what is going on in the world. Does your leader pray like this? You may want to ask your leader to choose a side and be consistently for it. These kinds of contradictions are not acceptable and should not be allowed in a public space, which is what the church should be. It makes the church’s teaching, no matter how strong it is, appear to be obsolete. That one contradiction happens and then all the right teaching goes down the tubes. Wide is the road that leads to destruction, narrow the path that leads to life. If you are politically for a person who believes abortion is acceptable then you need to reconsider your approach to the God of life. We scream for such words not to be uttered in prayer, for that is the way that leads to folly and in fact is a very fear-driven is in fact dangerous. Stand up and be counted for life, no matter your financial status. Whether you are poor and in the grip of a system that strives to consume you and teach you that the death of a child is an honorable thing or are rich and able to make your way into leadership roles may the God of life have mercy and justice in your world. The CULTURE OF DEATH is a real phenomenon and is an indicator that the church needs to be aware of the captivity in Babylon. Come out of Babylon, as did the Hebrew children from Egypt and do not be afraid to stand up for Truth.