"WOKE culture" the misnomer, and racist application of "woke"

One must be careful to make the observation and distinction between the both the narrow and the broad use of the term "woke"  In the narrow and appropriate sense it is used to designate the individual process that a person of color coming to realize the way society oppresses them and the extent to which that oppression can be addressed in their individuals life. The broad and inappropriate use of the term "woke" comes when those who know no better indicate that a whole society or institution, or organization is "woke"   Often times this is referred to as "woke culture" Such is the application of the word or concept to indicate what is systemically problematic. In fact "woke" is used with the negative connotation to address the DEI, The 1619 Project, or other specifically more broad ideas about the way culture is affected by racism, discrimination, and "colonization."  I cannot speak here, though, because anything I say is racist.  That I even exist at all is racist! So, how dare I address this matter at all!!   


Anonymous said…
"Woke" is actually an arrogant, condescending, discriminatory term in itself. It implies that "woke" people are awake, intelligent, in tune with society and correct in their thinking, while "non-woke" people are essentially asleep, dull, stuporous, inept, stupid, wrong and even "crazy".
Anonymous said…
Agree. Better description of a non-believing cult of people.
Well, I am excited that we have differing points of view or understandings of what "woke" can mean. The tremendous responsibility we have to address this term that is cause for so many emotionally laden and emotionally fired-up responses bears great weight on the world we live in, as applies to individual and communal creatures that we are, and this can be generalized to all people. If you think about commenting, please understand that your response might lodge in and carry someone or another with the kind of emotionality and will be etched in their mind indefinitely. Be brave and cautious as you comment.

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