EcoJustice, introductory statement . . . . . . . ..

Ecojustice is stupid, it is a development of the far Left.  You may think that they are saving the ecosystem, but they are destroying the economy and the human population.  Bill Gates will pass on to the next world after the nuclear holocaust; he will be able to plant all the seeds he has saved and recreate the ecosystem.  The truth is that he will not flourish, like the grass, he will wither.  The Word of God will last forever and with God the Father, the Spirit of the Holy God, Christ Jesus reigns forever and ever. 


Anonymous said…
The "eco" plans are designed part and parcel for those in power to subsume larger and larger swaths of the population into their control - with an eye toward maximizing their own personal resources and wealth. While ecological consciousness is worthwhile to take into consideration, its brutal weaponization to essentially create a serfdom is heinous in the extreme.
Anonymous said…
The ecosystem is in danger and it is not climate change, there is true global warming and our atmosphere is being damaged by emissions. Anyone who spouts your conspiracy theories is misinformed and dangerous. Sorrow over your ignorance should be against the thinking individual's level to stoop. The person who does not recognize the graveness and severity of global warming should have a debriefing and reprogramming session or two. Anti-ecosystem, anti-vaxxing, anti-interventionism on such matters are going to lead to global misfortunes and devastation unseen by the peoples left on the Earth. Please take this meanness away from the web and let's enjoy true love and co-existence.

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