The Science

 Let alone Michel Foucault, Thomas Kuhn has demonstrated a knowledge of how science changes.  Using the deconstructive method in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Kuhn's argument is prolific and thoroughly explained.  Anyone with half a brain in their head understands that philosophy determines science.  Kuhn shows how different paradigms rule the day during what Foucault terms episteme or what might be considered eras.  Doctors tried to diagnose King George by testing the color of body excretions.  Buddhist medicine demonstrates malfunctions in the body based on humors.  Whenever I hear "the science" it gets under my skin.  Often there are those who label certain views as misinformation or disinformation.  It is laughable, but incendiary.  People are not allowed to have views anymore.  That condition asserts dysinformation.  Philosophy is trumped by propaganda.  Many followers of the science should marvel at the works of Foucault and Kuhn.  If Foucault is talking about sex or punishment he is honored, I challenge the reader to check out what Foucault terms the archeology of knowledge.  Computers have malware and brains have stupidity.  Bodies have viruses, so do computers.  I digress, read Darwin's Origin of Species and consider the work done by by paleontologist Richard Leakey.  Both scientists of their time, different ideas on evolution.  Bees communicate and chimpanzees use tools.  Ants have wars and so do humans.  Who is the person that God would consider them.  The prophet's pining reverberates the same message as Koheleth the teacher of Ecclesiastes.  Knowledge is vanity, vanity of vanities.  To be sure the Hebrew means quite literally, emptiness is emptiness, quite the Buddhist take from a middle eastern chap.  Sorry for the word exercise.  Had to do it, kind of want to show the nature of knowledge and as Foucault says Knowledge/Power.


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