Defund the Police
“In the West, the same formula has been operative for decades: the police kill a young person from a marginalized community; the youth of this community rise up; they destroy a few things and clash with the police; they are arrested. The atmosphere reverts to a kind of precarious tranquillity, until the police decide to murder someone again”
Identity and
representation are key in the way that the Left (in this case Marco D’Eramo in
the New Left Review) proposes things go down in the world. Note that there is the use of identity “youth” “community” “marginalized” this is the way
the Left represents riots or protests, whichever, they refer to the 2020’s and
2022’s public demonstrations developed. Of course the fight over what was really
happening broke-out in representations.
Repeated clips on the one side of young people nonviolently protesting
and repeated clips of violent rioting presented by the other side.
Note that “the police”
as a presumed singular identity “decides”
to kill, as though all police everywhere
made a precise and single decision to
kill. In fact police kill people all the time and police are killed by people
all the time. But the Leftist media always broadcasts the most horrific racist
or other derogatory action by authorities.
Really what the protestors where rioting/protesting about was some
nebulous entity that is violent toward the disenfranchised, that the police,
some authority have smashed the breath out of; this did occur, but this kind of
death is (regardless of identity) investigated from within communities and find
all kinds of victims and all kinds of perpetrators.
D’Eramo couches their rhetoric in identity and
representation, a la Leftist propaganda.
Sure the Right has its representations of identified persons as well,
i.e. of a lame brained leader. But, in
the end “the police” everywhere do not decide as a singular entity to murder someone.
Death and violence are everywhere, sick world. Better yet, watch your TV and movies, and get
your staple, as well. You are what you watch, as the argument about that has
been going on for so many years.