THE PROPHET . . . (of the Left)

Get a load of this Yuval Noah Harari,  he is the prophet of the Left, so it is believed:


Anonymous said…
Leaving the discussion of radical acceptance aside; his discussion of God uses the old magician's trick of forcing a card. He offers the opportunity to choose one card, but the right card is the other one. In this case, both cards are amiss. The one "intrusive" God is more rightly described as a demi-urge - a being that is part of the system albeit a much higher order of inhabitant. The other is mysterious and unknowing. The God of the great religious traditions understand God to be apart from the system, but is the grounding of the reality within which it exists. A God who is imminent, sacred, omniscient, and concerned for creation. I'm reminded of Rev. Tim Keller's quote, "Tell me about this God you don't believe in. I probably don't believe in Him either."
I will not address the radical acceptance piece either. But I do want to address your statement concerning the demiurge; this is a god of Gnosticism, a god who creates an impure world. The God of heaven, in Gnosticism then is the detached transcendent God who has nothing to do with matter. The created world is not of the God of heaven’s interest, nor consideration, in Gnosticism. I think Harari is a confused man who sounds as though he knows what he is talking about. Harari is much like our friend Sam Harris, except Harari has a different gender. These two individuals tend to think they know a lot, and this is the nature of Gnosticism, which is the departing of knowledge. In ancient religious Gnosticism this knowledge was secret knowledge. In possttruth times, Harari and Harris, as well as other media props, are considered to be the purveyors of knowledge. It is humorous that these characters are treated with such high esteem. They are not scholars, they are personalities that have been puffed up. I digress, back to Gnosticsm and its relationship with posttruth times. When the world is itching for something to hang its hat on it turns to knowledge, as though it were something that could replace truth. Truth is from the God of heaven and earth; God created them both. There is no demiurge as creator of an uncanny earth made of unclean matter. God created and looked upon creation and said it is good. In the new world religion (like the NWO) there are the laws of or commandments of environmentalism. Thou shalt not use plastic straws, etc…

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