Socialism does not work
Dr Mangalwadi (in India), disenfranchised by the lack of ability of his culture, though much older than any Western civilization, to handle modern situations, said: “Even Mahatma Gandhi, universally praised for his leadership of the non-violent revolution that led to India’s independence in 1947, could not have succeeded had there not been a good Indian civil service, a good justice system, and politicians schooled in democratic ways by the British” This Mangalwadi did not see the Hinduism or Buddhism as having the tools to deal with the modern world effectively. This is counter to the Left that preaches so much about the superiority of cultures other than Western culture. Mangalwadi’s assessment , as accurate as it is, flies in the face of the progressives, who are trying to press Western civilization into nonexistence and establish socialist rule. Anyone can see that socialism has not worked anywhere in the West, outside of Europe. The United states is not capable of sustain itself as a cohesive entity is socialism takes a stronghold, as it has for the most part. Social policies have crippled the economy and fabric of family and strength, including faith (no matter what religion) in the US. Let’s stop this crap from spreading further.