Come out of Babylon, Part 2, the need for roots

This quote was lifted from the annals of research that addresses the teaching of social justice in schools. I purposefully anchor the Orthodox Church (orthodox nominally, but all claiming to be teaching true orthodoxy) in the sentence to bring in relief the damage that orthodoxy is doing to the US and the world. “Almost all of (orthodox pastors) and teachers are daily resolutely and relentlessly attacking Western culture, rejecting American culture, and advocating cultural Marxism . . . “  This is a problem that needs to be addressed, the church needs to exodus from Babylon and seek itself in its Need for Roots. The church is not a benign, nor benevolent institution, with all its Christians united across the board. It is time to Root-out the heresies and injustices to our nation for the sake of the survival of the church, the church now is preaching against itself.  A house cannot stand divided against itself.  Where will you alleviate such teaching in the church?  Come out of Babylon.


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