Empire to regime

 In Schmit's compilation it is stated that “International organizations (and governments) started to become more significant external actors after the period of colonial rule”  One could argue that colonial rule never ended, because instead of Empires ruling subjects in the Global South, really Soviet and Chinese communism, along with Western capitalism took on that role. (more to come) 

In the past century, international aid has become an essential part of the foreign policy toolkit. It is especially popular among former colonial powers which spend the majority of their aid budgets on countries that once were part of their empires”  This may be a result of white guilt, this may be a fine example of how it works on a large scale.  There is implied in the aid that would be given a brown people a type of social helping.   In a way this can be demeaning to the indigenous folk because it will seem patronizing. The help would also push Western of communist values on the said people. So, is it better to allow much more freedom to Southern hemisphere people (and Eastern) for their own development?  The question is what tools would they have? Should tools for success be provided?   Should these people be left to their own devices? What kind of help, if any, would be appropriate? How will they keep up with the liberal world with its market economy? And the list goes on.

Becker argues that “the organization of colonial empires shapes the ways in which former colonial powers provide aid today, in particular policy priorities and actors involved in the distribution of aid” This is a typical protectionism that aids the interests of the states that invest in the Global South. Becker explains that for example France offers a higher percentage of aid to former colonies in order to buffer its interests.  If, in this world, you do not protect your own interests, how are you going to help others?  The one who helps themselves is better prepared to help others.  Of course, folks like Becker would argue that the interests of say the French would be strategic in keeping themselves protected militarily as well as economically. The matter is about principle versus protection.  



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