Creating Environmentalist Utopic One World Religion

Lee Penn in “False Dawn: the united religions initiative, globalism, and the quest for a one-world religion” writes about the movement to create a global religion which was chiefly initiated out of attack on fundamentalist religions (as though they are bad, which I will return to in a bit). Penn writes that when the global movement was initiated “Bishop Swing of the Episcopal Church’s Diocese of California launched in 1995, describes itself as ‘a growing global community dedicated to promoting enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, ending religiously motivated violence and creating cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings’”  This initiative includes the World Economic Forum, but may also include the likes of the Leftist prophet, and green movement persons which orchestrated the union on Mt Sinai in 2022.  “’Yosef Abramowitz smashes tablets atop Jebel Musa in Egypt, thought by some to be the site of Mount Sinai, to symbolize the world’s lack of action on climate change, November 13, 2022’ (Sue Surkes/Times of Israel)” To understand such global movement you can read the declaration of this religiousness in the name of environmentalism at:  - or -

Penn writes “to warn the public worldwide against the activities of the United Religions Initiative, against its supporters within the New Age movement, and against the URI’s globalist, utopian allies within the State of the World Forum, the World Economic Forum, and the Earth Charter movement” According to Penn, some of the purposes of the initiative are as follows: “Squelching Christian evangelism, in the name of promoting inter-religious peace” or “Marginalizing orthodox Christians as ‘intolerant’ and ‘fundamentalist’” or  “Promoting a new, collectivist ‘global ethic’” or “Population control --- especially in Third World countries”  Popular and secular religion has been around, along with plenty of 19th and 20th century cults and religions, as well as new Christian denominations; yet none has proclaimed or moved to supplant “religions” themselves.  This new activity, aimed at creating a religion or faith is at the behest of some evil people, in fact the WEF is at its core out to do major religions and governments in, i.e. to destroy them. The Crusades were nothing in power compared to the central power of these entities which are instigating such antireligious and hateful activity as smashing tablets to mock the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions.  The URI is a part of a descending into Hell to draw-up powers which seemed to be masked in ideas drawing from New Age religion.  The difference is the formality of the URI and its deliberate move to destroy religion, replace it, and put only it on the board.  In other words the URI is limiting choice to none. Fundamentalisms are the backbones of modern world religions and should not be painted all the time in a dim light.  If it were not for fundamentalism, morality would never survive in the face of the evils of this world.  God is reigning supreme and we should do all we can to stoop the WEF URI movement succeed. 


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