I realize that some of you think that what I write about postcolonialism, postmodernism, and the posttruth world stems from and was problematized in the 1960s, but I tell you, it is a MORE REAL threat to Christianity than ever before, as in TODAY.  Your children and young people, generations, not just “hippies,” are being brainwashed by K-12, academia (i.e., higher education), and in WORKPLACES. You must understand the moves that have been made by several key players in the world this last century: Jean-François Lyotard, Homi K Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, and Edward Said, not to speak of Jacques Derrida and anti-police-state-pusher Jacques Rancière, and so many others, one cannot count them all.   In the work of these people, we see the centers of Western culture being destroyed, for example, the subject or self, nation, family, and free market economy, and not just these; there are more I have touched on throughout my blog posts in the past year. I am attaching articles to the email you received from me about this post for you to skim to see how these folks worked and are working. Please consider looking at these to come to a better understanding of how the West, as well as Christianity, is being attacked.  Children are being taught to refute the authority of any type. They are given data (Leftist propaganda and told to think for themselves.  Just see how the hell that is working. We must stand against the evil of these agendas. The USA is also under attack, so get to know these facts and worry about or at least think about your, your children's, and your grandchildren's future in the US. 


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