Come out of Babylon, Part 3, doctrines, theologies, and traditions

 Archeologist William F Albright, when arguing in From the Stone Age to Christianity that Jesus’ Christology was an adaptation of previous lore, stated that that one could “never know to just what extent details of the messianic framework of the Gospels are literally true” indicating that some of Christiann myth (if you will) originated in the milieu of Babylonian myth about Tammuz.  What is interesting today is the extent to which some orthodox churches consider such syncretism and other theories about the evidence and belief in the falsehood of the resurrection of Jesus.  How twisted and frightening life must be for those ‘Christians,” given no belief in the resurrection.  No hope?  But there are ways in which even the truest of orthodox churches and other churches have fallen in love with traditions, theology, and doctrine. This, to understand Babylon, one would have to see what Paul meant by falling into philosophies and teachings that are not the Gospel, which was given by him and Christ Himself. Yes, the Babylon of the Book of the Revelation in the Holy Bible declares the need to come out of Babylon. These theologies and traditions, like the ones of the Pharisees which Jesus refuted, are the Babylon the church universal, Christians need to come out of: church, come out of Babylon.


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