System as sign

 Aren’t you tired of hearing the word “system” uttered by liberals?  This word is a “sign,” to use a construct straight out of popular parlance among liberals and progressives, it exists as a semiotic sign.  Semiotics is the theory of signs; it designates the many uses of the sign, the signifier, and the signified.  The word “system” is used to designate something that is created and maintained by the Left.  “Systems” are believed to be what drive meaning, but really it is meaning that drives system-language. This sign, “system,” is an intricate part of the Left’s narrative, to put it their way.  I am not sure that “narrative” is part of semiotic terminology, but they use it as such also, and so will I.  To say the sign, i.e. “system,” itself as if it refers to something that is real, is not entirely helpful.  Is there really a “system” that favors certain people and not others?  This sign, “system,” that is used as a decoy and it is a thing that the Left props up in order to protect its interests. There is a “system” that enables dependence and that is the real concern, not the “system” as described by the Left. It has been the argument of conservatives that the “system” has created dependence for decades. The premise of a “system” has been critiqued in political theory and has been held up as a harbinger by the Left. It is not as simple as this though, Left versus Right.  The “system,” in as much as it exists as a social mechanism, needs to be changed.  Many are held captive to it and it does not address all needs. The “system” referred to here is not saying that something is systemic, but it refers here to governmental structure put into place since FDR and LBJ.  The “welfare state” is what this structure or “system” has been referred to in the past. There are popular figures, Ms C Owens, who have referred to this system as not being beneficial to people of difference. One thing is for sure the present economy does not address homelessness the way that it could.  There are many that are homeless in this world and in the US that could benefit from an economy or government that spends as much money as the US government does; the question is why are these people forgotten and have been for so long.  Your input and ideas are welcome.      


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