the Confusion

Okay, I am not obsessed with this guy, but he is a clanging voice for progressives who would advance many of the problems in the world today. YN Harari writes, in 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, “Religions, rites, and rituals will remain important as long as the power of humankind rests on mass cooperation and as long as mass cooperation rests on belief in shared fictions . . . religions still have a lot of political power, in as much as they can cement national identity and even ignite the Third World War”  This fellow is full of himself in as much as he believes that he is right and that what he is talking about could start THE Third World War when actually he is gaining traction in the minds of those who would be taken in by the New World Order. Many decades before this character was born, the media and many people, in general, were worried about the creation of THE Third World War.  When Ayatollah Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Ronald Reagan were on the earth during the Cold War (and even in times before), there was high alert for this Third Great War to break out. Get a chuckle out of this video from 1986:,vid:Yq7FKO5DlV0

There is no galvanizing power behind any portion of humanity (rightly, humxnity) that has the effect of starting a world war latent in any particular religion or nationality.  The world is too plural, disparate, and convoluted to sustain any great powers based on faith and nationality to begin the end of the world. For that matter, let’s look at the most peaceful peace-making religion, Buddhism.  Though in writ, Buddhists are to seek peace, in actuality, many Buddhists have used their spiritual power to incite violence against others and self-destruction.  Our friend and prophet Harari has a bit of a life lesson, nonetheless, in his expertise history, to gain knowledge for his own good. 


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