Headline on Homelessness
More cities and states make homeless encampments a crime,
leaving low-income people with few options
It seems that liberals and progressives are missing the mark. Shouldn’t these people be sheltered or given homes. What the . . . is going on here. Our compassionate theys are not living up to their promises. The Bidenonics are not working, trillions of dollars spent and still deject poverty and homelessness still are major issues. 500.000 homeless in one night in the US is a problem, a SOCIAL PROBLEM. Needless to say the mentally ill are not effectively treated, other than to be locked at the hint that they “cannot care for themselves,” which is a crime against humxnity itself. Treating MI people is one thing, locking them up for a perceived inability to take care of themselves is heinous. Whatever is going on here is not being helped by the new people that are in entering the US in hordes. Lord Jesus have mercy, Christ have mercy. We need to DO something about these situations and crimes.