
Showing posts from July, 2023


  We are not in the wake of the sexual revolution.  It is over and done with.  It is in the dustbin of history. What we face today is a new move, not a postmodern move, nor a gender flexibility moment.  It is not the Left versus the Right, though that is where we find ourselves fighting.  We live in an age of Identity Crisis!!! That is because media and the mainstream everything are confusing the heck out of us. Luce Iragaray once wrote about The Sex that is Not One (meaning that there is a vapid-ness about being a woman)  One way to account for identity these days is to check yourself and see how much intersectionality you have(see Kimberly Crenshaw).  Even the church of Christianity, the church within the church, the remnant, is mesmerized by media.  Satan comes in the form of a serpent, snake, beast, dragon, or SCREEN.   Neil Postman had it right many decades ago when he described a society which is entertaining itself to death....


Becca Rothfeld writes of the 2 feminisms in the following “There is a reason that we have abandoned some of the more maudlin products of the 70s, namely the mushy hippies claiming that our wombs put us in touch with the earth, and retained the more pessimistic Dworkin. What is femininity, at its core, but institutionalized disadvantage? And what is feminism, at its core, but the attempt to expose gender as a nightmarish farce? ” In the 80s, the feminism I saw was that which used deconstruction to lay waste constructs around and about characterizing women.  It seemed then that other groups were only slowly gaining ground around gender issues.  The movements of the 21 st century have speedily indoctrinated the general population to agree on so many points of view which all derive from a lust for political power, the kind of power that Michel Foucault world wonder at. 60s may have been the bedrock of the mother earth brand that the 70s pushed forward. 90s were, at least in the...

The Religious is Political

Penzias!!!   There once was a Christian worldview organization that would openly discuss political issues (for as it is said “the personal is political”) to a great extent: abortion, transgenderism, etc … (all of which Dennis Prager publicly discusses).  As the process of the 2020 election occurred, this worldview organization beg to tell its students not to pursue political discussion. This was queer, for such a shift to take place.  So the question here is about “the Religious is Political” When do we enter the political fray? As a good Lutheran, one would turn to the major religious text for protestant denominations, i.e. the Augsburg Confession. What did it say about the political? Section XVI states “it is right for Christians to hold civil office,” this is just the beginning of what is touched on in the Confession about Christian civil duties. Let no one convince you that the religious is not political, by quoting texts that subvert the idea.   One frank...

LGBTQ+, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts

Scientific American has identified a great lost discovery.  I sarcastically have to say, Wow!!! Identity might be more complex than binary. Duh!!!  Although I have thought this was the case since RD Laing's material in " Knots " his seminal work on how difficult it is to describe mental illness, identity, and crises. RD Laing told it like it is . . . ..  Scientific American gets fluffy in the article, which  I will quote at length. It will speak of data, analysis, and how suicidal are great among LGBTQ+ and BIPOC, because they are misunderstood by those that treat them and because identity is complex (go figure Scientific American). Laing wrote about identity and so-called mental illness (and here he is quite political).  Anyways, what he writes about is what he calls knots, tangles, impasses, fangles, disjunctions and binds.  These affect our thought and theory about what it means to be human ( sic ).  At the very bottom I am including a link to RD La...

Digital Twin

  Bernard Marr in Forbes writes about artificial intelligence as a method of how we can live eternally.   This idea has been around a while 1960’s perhaps and beyond.   The thought is that saving data about ourselves will preserve who we are and that this will allow us to live on. Now there is the addition of our knowledge, experience, personality and characteristics being saved on a terabyte of space.   Marr writes, that some scientists are “ attempting to preserve elements of our personality and minds so that, at least in some capacity, we can remain a part of the lives of those we leave behind “This technology has allowed supposed communication with some digital twin. Marr continues the line of thinking hence, “AI that will potentially allow anyone to converse and interact with the dead as if they were in the same room (or at least, as if they were on a video call with them)”   As we know CGI (compute generated imagery allows for the simulation of the phys...


  WAKE-UP church, stop sleeping while in captivity in Babylon.   COME-OUT of Babylon, as the children of Yisrael where not shamed (Ps 22), but were saved by Adonai from the grip of Pharaoh, when Adonai rescued them from Egypt. The sacraments are intended to AWAKEN and confirm faith in us (Book of Concord, Augsburg Confession). When God calls you out, to wake-up, take and eat on the run, with the unleavened bread and wine.   Sometimes you can waste a large chunk of your life (corporately or singly) asleep in the dungeons of Babylon. You should have gotten out of Babylon sooner, or maybe you are still asleep in those dungeons. DO NOT FEAR supping from the cup with one another.   The stupidity is over, what’s next? Those Hell-bent on making socialism (even communism) a reality for this despotic government, God save us from the king! That piece of ___. Why not, just say it?   We will not cave, no matter what the consequences.   Stay conservative (live that dirt...

Must see video links

You have got to get this guy on your radar.  He is the epitome of an atheist who speaks eloquently.  He is the most famous atheist alive on the internet these days. In the past few years he has become a PhD in neuroscience, which in and of itself does not make him a neuroscientist.   In the same way, a PhD does not make you a scholar, as some would tout themselves. I am not a scholar, though I know the works of many philospherss and theologians, and atheists.   Listen to Sammy, please. He also has discussions with Ben Shapiro, where we see a staunch Conservative kowtow and bend for this foolish man.   He who builds his house on the sand will slip into the ocean of stupidity. Fast forward through commercialism of Ben Shapiro’s video and hear Harris’ new use of fancy academic terms, that he uses to make him sound like a scholar and neurologist.

Sam's God

I thought of how redundant it would be to write about Harari again, seeing that I could write some other defender of evil, I almost wrote about Sam the atheist Harris, but then I began to feel nauseous.  He is an over-generalizing simpleton made big by his YouTube presence.   He is not all that intelligent; if I could I would sit down and have a discussion with him, and set his a__ straight. If I could get through to his preeminence I would make such a challenge. From what I have seen Harris tinkers with theodicy or the problem of evil, couched in complaints about the actions of “the God of Christianity” (or “the God of the Old Testament”  the more proper way to say this is the God in the Hebrew Bible).  Harris also complains that a God who would be all knowing and all powerful wouldn’t “allow” natural disasters, like tsunamis to occur, for example. These sorts of arguments are not in any way new.  Theologians and philosophers for many years, from times of ...

HATRED toward America

A quote from Noam Chomsky’s response to the September 11 th destruction was made on September 12.   Chomsky is among the elite academics that propel the hatred toward the US that many are sharing, even among Americans themselves. Among the educated and the uneducated. Chomsky said these words: “ On the Bombings ”:   “bombing of Sudan killing unknown numbers of people . . .   (no one knows . . . no one cares”   “the number of victims is colossal. For the first time, the guns have been directed the other way” the “Third World” was striking back at American for more than a country of aggression on its territory

Nothing rouses such condemnation as PRIDE . . . . . . . .

The church of God was first called the Come-Outers, or named themselves so. The “call to come out rings through Hebrew history . God is always calling upon his people to cut their connection with sin” “Flee from the midst of Babylon,” said Jeremiah. BUT surely the reason for the judgment of the Lord on Babylon was due to PRIDE , imagine that . . . William Barclay says all this and more in HIS commentary on the Book of Revelation . . . Barclay subtitles one section “The Doom of Pride”  Barclay reiterates the great prophet  in citing “Do to her according to all that she has done; for she has proudly defied the Lord, the Holy One of Israel” (Jeremiah 50:29). There is no getting away from the FACT that punishment follows sin , especially if that sin has involved the cruel treatment of fellowmen (sic).  So come out of Babylon Christ says to the church. 

The Pastor and The Master

 based on Theology After Lacan page 219 Clergy are responsible for the education of the church, but they do not necessarily fall into the university discourse, rather they go in the guise of pastor though thoroughly exhausting the master discourse.  If ever there were the possibility for a shepherd of a flock, and their sheep do follow quite neatly, the shepherd usually ends up in a master/slave relationship with the parishioners. I am not talking about literal slavery, but that each word that flows from the master's mouth is a discursive device from which the laity hang. One, since the protestant reformation, can be relatively unbound from the priest's binding and make a shot at realizing some from of individualism (as in calling or vocation, see Max Weber). Now we often find that the church struggles once again against a self-oriented system of discourse, based on the postmod movement or "turn", as Lyotard put it. So as to rally the troops, as disdain for "orga...


Tell me I know what I am telling you is the truth or quit reading . . . . . .

Obama's prophet

 Get this Obama interview and tell me I do not know what He__ I have been talking about:,vid:AnPs8vnZ0I4

Defund the Police

 “ In the West, the same formula has been operative for decades: the police kill a young person from a marginalized community; the youth of this community rise up; they destroy a few things and clash with the police; they are arrested. The atmosphere reverts to a kind of precarious tranquillity, until the police decide to murder someone again ”  Identity and representation are key in the way that the Left (in this case Marco D’Eramo in the New Left Review) proposes things go down in the world.   Note that there is the use of identity “youth”   “community” “marginalized” this is the way the Left represents riots or protests, whichever, they refer to the 2020’s and 2022’s public demonstrations developed.   Of course the fight over what was really happening broke-out in representations.   Repeated clips on the one side of young people nonviolently protesting and repeated clips of violent rioting presented by the other side. Note that “the police” as a pres...

The Master/ The Doctor is in the house . . . . . . . .

  This is how the master signifier works in public conversations. A person must impose its idea of itself on the other person hence to get its recognition, hence to be the master. Does this kind of sound familiar? Indeed, talk with a doctor about anything, and then they get their specialist attitude.   They get their power in any conversation by representing themselves as an expert; in fact, if they were ever in the slave (servant) role they would FEEL humiliated, humility, humble . . . which would be intolerable for them.   It goes the same way with pastors.   They feel the necessity to be a master, representing their idea of themselves upon the parishioner and taking authority over the parishioner. Doctors are taught to be the master in their training in order to be the expert.   It is a sort of sad kind of situation; one in which power is contrived and you become the butt of the joke, the slave. Just try to speak above them and the doctor master signifier ge...

Peace and Brotherhood (not the same as the 1960's)

  السلام عليك Get used to it; Critical Race Theory is here to stay.   It is embedded into the fabric of our culture.   STOP OBSESSING about it, especially when you do not even know what it is about.   It is not reverse racism; it is much more complex and ready to engage with any idea that comes into its path.  It is a critique of many things like religions and economic systems.  It is not just some form of reverse racism.   That was Bakke’s argument in 1978 in the Supreme Court case UC vs Bakke.   What you need to do is read Ibram X Kinde, Homi K Bhabha, Luce Iragaray and many more.   If you want to understand theoretical underpinnings of the Left in order to best know what this feud is really all about. If you want a reading list I will be happy to provide one. Just ask for one by email

Wow . . . what a phenomenon

  Watch this video about narrative therapy and externalizing.   It is an excellent way of describing these ideas, but wait, no sooner than you think . . . this turns into a presentation that we all know too familiar.   Watch it and see where it goes, this is an interesting phenomenon.


According to the government 2  + 2 = 5  and Math is racist. Let’s spread the Truth, which is misinformation.  Let’s spread misinformation all over the place, in every household, community, city, state, and nation(s).  We will not cave on the matter of Truth, no matter how much they say 2 + 2 = 5. No matter what the Party tried to press upon the mind of Winston Smith (in George Orwell’s “1984”), Smith would not succumb, until the end.  For us we will not succumb to the lies, i.e. truth is lies; math is injustice; truth is unjust and other opposites that are flipped on their heads, and are made into the real lies that they are feeding the world.  The Left is relentlessly programming young children, to young adults, to you. Media process has you under its spell.  Stop watching TV and movies, please.  You will find only lies there.  So let’s spread misinformation, while the government is calling truth to be lies. Government and media are vacuous ...


  THESE ARE SHERE FLAT OUT ATTACKS ON US . . .   ARE WE SUPPOSED TO SIT BACK AND TAKE IT? A 2022 “quantitative” study (that means dealing with real data, not subjective opinion e.g. field work) came out in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion written and researched by Grubbs, Braunstein, Perry, Gorski that demonstrates for me just how viscous the Leftists can be, they use what looks like science (research, it is called these days) to attack and MIS-characterize Christians, particularly those who are fond of their country (Christian Nationalists, they are called).   These “researchers or scholars (that is a hoot)” state that “Christian nationalism inclines Americans to affirm factually incorrect views about religion in American political history, likely through their exposure to certain disseminators of such misinformation, but also through their allegiance to a particular political-cultural narrative they wish to privilege” while o the same pages exonerate t...