


A 2022 “quantitative” study (that means dealing with real data, not subjective opinion e.g. field work) came out in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion written and researched by Grubbs, Braunstein, Perry, Gorski that demonstrates for me just how viscous the Leftists can be, they use what looks like science (research, it is called these days) to attack and MIS-characterize Christians, particularly those who are fond of their country (Christian Nationalists, they are called).  These “researchers or scholars (that is a hoot)” state that “Christian nationalism inclines Americans to affirm factually incorrect views about religion in American political history, likely through their exposure to certain disseminators of such misinformation, but also through their allegiance to a particular political-cultural narrative they wish to privilege” while o the same pages exonerate themselves and vilify evangelical Christians (evangelical, BTW comes from the Koine Greek term euangeleon, that is ‘good message’) well, if you are getting fed up this delegation of Christians to the lower ranks of un-intellectual dregs, I have news for you.  A lot of Christians are fed up with this Clintonian verbiage and bashing.  Christians have the right to their own point of view, even these great research-scholars (Grubbs, Braunstein, Perry, Gorski )indicate that “’history’ is inevitably political.” 


These hypocrites state that certain Christians (presumably nationalists) are “prone to reductionism, if not outright misreading of historical data to suit pre-formed, anachronistic conclusions about the inevitable course of events, their primary actors, and the significances of both” What the heck are these dudes doing? To make it worse they (yes I said “they”) drone over the representation of the founding persons of the United States, saying that Christian Nationalists misrepresent the “founding fathers” (actually, it should be founding persons if THEY are to be consistent. You know, it is time to stop the arguing over what the founding fathers meant and focus on the inconsistent, poor idea of what qualifies as research, and hypocrisy that these characters exude.  Grubbs, Braunstein, Perry, Gorski  must consider their work to be academic.  They express this opinion of themselves quite clearly “Academic historians understand actors and their social contexts as complex and events as conditional, and thus, apply reasoned skepticism to mythical accounts by scouring new data sources and overturning previous understandings” These persons should be ashamed of their double standard.  They go on to say that “Partisans and ideological thought-leaders inclined to ‘historical fundamentalism,’ in contrast, find complexity unuseful and contingency heretical” This is a bunch of bologna and littered with shameful idiocy.   I think that the Left makes the academic scene just where there needs to be others to challenge them.   What a pitiful and lost generation and those who would follow in their footsteps.  When will the world see that we need Jesus?


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