The Religious is Political


There once was a Christian worldview organization that would openly discuss political issues (for as it is said “the personal is political”) to a great extent: abortion, transgenderism, etc … (all of which Dennis Prager publicly discusses).  As the process of the 2020 election occurred, this worldview organization beg to tell its students not to pursue political discussion. This was queer, for such a shift to take place.  So the question here is about “the Religious is Political” When do we enter the political fray?

As a good Lutheran, one would turn to the major religious text for protestant denominations, i.e. the Augsburg Confession. What did it say about the political? Section XVI states “it is right for Christians to hold civil office,” this is just the beginning of what is touched on in the Confession about Christian civil duties. Let no one convince you that the religious is not political, by quoting texts that subvert the idea.  One frankly can make the Bible say what they want it to say.

Ancient and Medieval texts and the early church Fathers are good sources to go to for clarification about doctrinal issues.  The study of theology helps one grapple with the Biblical texts.

Granted, Hitler quoted Luther, so in the world of politics we must stave off evils like anti-Semitism.  Granted , though the Augsburg Confession accepts political action. The worldview organization once a part of has become a still small useless voice crying about the same old issues it always has, they are only political on their select points of departure. 


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