LGBTQ+, hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts

Scientific American has identified a great lost discovery.  I sarcastically have to say, Wow!!! Identity might be more complex than binary. Duh!!!  Although I have thought this was the case since RD Laing's material in "Knots" his seminal work on how difficult it is to describe mental illness, identity, and crises. RD Laing told it like it is . . . ..  Scientific American gets fluffy in the article, which  I will quote at length. It will speak of data, analysis, and how suicidal are great among LGBTQ+ and BIPOC, because they are misunderstood by those that treat them and because identity is complex (go figure Scientific American). Laing wrote about identity and so-called mental illness (and here he is quite political).  Anyways, what he writes about is what he calls knots, tangles, impasses, fangles, disjunctions and binds.  These affect our thought and theory about what it means to be human (sic).  At the very bottom I am including a link to RD Laing's work. 

Please see this selection from Scientific American: 

Our youth are in a mental health crisis. Young people describe steadily increasing sadness, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. These mental health challenges are greater for youth who hold marginalized identities that include sexual orientation, gender identity or race or ethnicity. Near-constant exposure to traumatizing media and news stories, such as when Black youth watch videos of people who look like them being killed or when transgender youth hear multiple politicians endorse and pass laws that deny their very existence, compounds these disparities.

But young people do not fall into neat categories of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. They reject antiquated norms and societal expectations, especially around gender and sexuality. Yet most research on people in this group, especially on LGBTQ youth, does not fully account for how they identify themselves. Approaching research as though sex is binary and gender is exact leads to incomplete data. This mistake keeps us from creating the best possible mental health policies and programs.

Here is the complex mind trying to figure itself out in the thought of RD Laing:,vid:COVTB1qGI2s


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