
 We are not in the wake of the sexual revolution.  It is over and done with.  It is in the dustbin of history. What we face today is a new move, not a postmodern move, nor a gender flexibility moment.  It is not the Left versus the Right, though that is where we find ourselves fighting.  We live in an age of Identity Crisis!!! That is because media and the mainstream everything are confusing the heck out of us. Luce Iragaray once wrote about The Sex that is Not One (meaning that there is a vapid-ness about being a woman)  One way to account for identity these days is to check yourself and see how much intersectionality you have(see Kimberly Crenshaw).  Even the church of Christianity, the church within the church, the remnant, is mesmerized by media.  Satan comes in the form of a serpent, snake, beast, dragon, or SCREEN.   Neil Postman had it right many decades ago when he described a society which is entertaining itself to death.  What is the method, function, means by which we are each caught in the web of the network of screens? C P Miller identifies it in a book about how the church has abandoned ritual through interaction with a screen.  Thanks to Satan’s latest scheme i.e. COVID we have lost sight of faces and identity.  Satan, as predicted by a great saint of the Church of God Lilly McCutcheon, has used to TV (and now the screen of any kind) to do his dirty work. Look around you and see how others are influenced by the screen, it is nothing more than representation which persons are falling in place with, but it is the idea on the screen lived out (usually in front of the screen)but also often in public, if the fear of being aware from your screen is an ever-present notion.


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