Peace and Brotherhood (not the same as the 1960's)


السلام عليك

Get used to it; Critical Race Theory is here to stay.  It is embedded into the fabric of our culture.  STOP OBSESSING about it, especially when you do not even know what it is about.  It is not reverse racism; it is much more complex and ready to engage with any idea that comes into its path. It is a critique of many things like religions and economic systems. It is not just some form of reverse racism.  That was Bakke’s argument in 1978 in the Supreme Court case UC vs Bakke.  What you need to do is read Ibram X Kinde, Homi K Bhabha, Luce Iragaray and many more.  If you want to understand theoretical underpinnings of the Left in order to best know what this feud is really all about. If you want a reading list I will be happy to provide one. Just ask for one by email


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