The Master/ The Doctor is in the house . . . . . . . .

 This is how the master signifier works in public conversations. A person must impose its idea of itself on the other person hence to get its recognition, hence to be the master. Does this kind of sound familiar? Indeed, talk with a doctor about anything, and then they get their specialist attitude.  They get their power in any conversation by representing themselves as an expert; in fact, if they were ever in the slave (servant) role they would FEEL humiliated, humility, humble . . . which would be intolerable for them.  It goes the same way with pastors.  They feel the necessity to be a master, representing their idea of themselves upon the parishioner and taking authority over the parishioner. Doctors are taught to be the master in their training in order to be the expert.  It is a sort of sad kind of situation; one in which power is contrived and you become the butt of the joke, the slave. Just try to speak above them and the doctor master signifier gets louder or more verbose. Any slave knows that (s)he could beat the britches off the master.  Why we maintain such roles is beyond any rationale.


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