Digital Twin

 Bernard Marr in Forbes writes about artificial intelligence as a method of how we can live eternally.  This idea has been around a while 1960’s perhaps and beyond.  The thought is that saving data about ourselves will preserve who we are and that this will allow us to live on. Now there is the addition of our knowledge, experience, personality and characteristics being saved on a terabyte of space.  Marr writes, that some scientists are “attempting to preserve elements of our personality and minds so that, at least in some capacity, we can remain a part of the lives of those we leave behind “This technology has allowed supposed communication with some digital twin.

Marr continues the line of thinking hence, “AI that will potentially allow anyone to converse and interact with the dead as if they were in the same room (or at least, as if they were on a video call with them)”  As we know CGI (compute generated imagery allows for the simulation of the physical person on film.  Just so AI captures us, “Re;Memory platform . . . works by taking video footage of facial movements along with voice recordings and applying algorithms that generate new footage of whatever interactions are needed” for one to communicate with the “dead”. Marr writes again, “natural language platforms such as ChatGPT, enabling us to have real-time conversations with the deceased”  Are we on the edge of living forever? 

Marr also suggest that “some have proposed that if we capture enough data during someone’s life, it might be possible to keep them around indefinitely after their physical brain has gone. This may not be as difficult as it sounds – Microsoft researchers Gordon Bell and Jim Grey have estimated that logging every conversation that a human has over their entire lifespan would only require around one terabyte of storage”  Marr’s notion of a digital twin is nothing new, but he indicates that we can “set your digital twin to work, keeping your empire running while you concentrate on what’s really important”

digital eternity, an MIT research project that aims to explore the technological and philosophical requirements of creating digital twins that would effectively let us live forever”  What do you think of this?


Thomas said…
Digital eternity,

Just more insanity from the deluded and desperate religion of the left. We must do more to spread the news of our good and faithful creator who has our back and best interests in mind.

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