WAKE-UP church,
stop sleeping while in captivity in Babylon.
COME-OUT of Babylon, as the children of Yisrael where not shamed (Ps
22), but were saved by Adonai from the grip of Pharaoh, when Adonai rescued
them from Egypt. The sacraments are intended to AWAKEN and confirm faith in us
(Book of Concord, Augsburg Confession). When God calls you out, to wake-up,
take and eat on the run, with the unleavened bread and wine. Sometimes you can waste a large chunk of your
life (corporately or singly) asleep in the dungeons of Babylon. You should have
gotten out of Babylon sooner, or maybe you are still asleep in those dungeons. DO
NOT FEAR supping from the cup with one another.
The stupidity is over, what’s next? Those Hell-bent on making socialism
(even communism) a reality for this despotic government, God save us from the
king! That piece of ___. Why not, just say it?
We will not cave, no matter what the consequences. Stay conservative (live that dirty word, as
the thought-police would call it). God Bless America should not be confused
with saying that somehow “that thing” will bless us. The Americans who were
murdered in the assault of 911 were not just “some people” they died a hideous death at the hands of
Evil. Strikingly, now such an assault is considered a deserved moment by the
Left. I digress, just wake-up church and America, the true church, the true