Like all good researchers (not) I began with Google (yes spell check capitalizes it). My aim was to write about the lanaguge of a lot of Christains speak, how they commonly communicate, which is what I call Christianese. Too my (not)surprise, my first google search gave me drop-down choices for “Christian response . . . “ of to pride month, evolution, transgenderism, climate change, the problem of evil (really a capital E), Barbie Movie (I have no clue), AI (artificial intelligence), Buddhism, and love is love. Who made this list (I won’t say) Joy Behar? Now, as I look closer at the love is love links below the first one is by Rebelution and the second by Focus on the Family. The stupidity of Rebelution is ti cite I John 4:7-8 and emphasize the words “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” a sappy response considering the verses that precede this (v. 8) being I John 4:1-7 which is the injunction “ believe not every spirit, but tr...