
Showing posts from August, 2023

we cannot escape being Westerners being born in the West (of interest to the deeper thinker, do not have to agree)


  2 Corinthians 10:5   = We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ . . . In an effort to demonstrate the power of God in your life, it does not take effort.  Christ has given us power to “destroy”, Koiné Greek here is “ĸaθaίρεσιν”, all heretical and culturally persuasive rhetoricians. You do not need to buy the lies of politically persuasive “scientists”, do some of your own research, especially if you are taking your marching orders from someone who is not even a medical doctor (of any stripe). Stand-up and do not cave to the power that is set before us in this divisive culture. It is not you who are divisive, but the spirit of lies, death, and the devil.  Do not take their bait! Enough is enough!  You have been lied to long enough, stop and consider how nation, identity, and allegiance have been torn to shreds, then look up to the cross of Christ and see that He is...

Love is Love -or- the Devil made me do it

  Like all good researchers (not) I began with Google (yes spell check capitalizes it).  My aim was to  write about the lanaguge of a lot of Christains speak, how they commonly communicate, which is what I call Christianese.  Too my (not)surprise, my first google search gave me drop-down choices for “Christian response . . . “ of to pride month, evolution, transgenderism, climate change, the problem of evil (really a capital E), Barbie Movie (I have no clue), AI (artificial intelligence), Buddhism, and love is love.  Who made this list (I won’t say) Joy Behar? Now, as I look closer at the love is love links below the first one is by Rebelution and the second by Focus on the Family.   The stupidity of Rebelution is ti cite I John 4:7-8 and emphasize the words “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” a sappy response considering the verses that precede this (v. 8) being I John 4:1-7 which is the injunction “ believe not every spirit, but tr...

Personal testimony for the day . . .

  Literature and Liturgy: Expert, Signifier, and Construction Can any comfort be found in anything but the words of God, which are found in God’s person? Who is God’s person but Jesus? In The Return of the Gods Jonathan Khan explicates what he considers are the gods of ancient time which have returned. Through the labyrinth of names and deifications, Khan demonstrates in his own right how he believes that such gods have pervaded the modern world in their ancient forms. Each of which had suffered the process of demythologizing in the twentieth century. Among the god’s Khan mentions are ones that have never left the minds of the people from whom they originated. Now, of Baal which has origin in the ancient Near East there is the image of an iron bull on Wall Street and on the coinage of the EU. But this bull may perhaps have its origin for the EU in the myth of Zeus taking the form of a bull that abducts and ravages (rapes) the beautiful goddess Europa. But the EU probably does...


  No sooner than I blog about the anti-pater the New Left Review comes out with an article by Mario Tronti that calls for a statelessness, neither masculine nor feminine, the article that has writer Victor Heringer ’s “claim to be  apátrida , stateless, reflected a fundamental repudiation of tribalisms and ideologies of all kinds. Today there can be no vanguards, no faiths, or as he proclaimed in  Pessoa  magazine: ‘Down with Progress! Long live Walter Benjamin!’ His true homeland was irony, something he half-joked was unknown to his compatriots” Simone Weil once wrote about the abolition of all political parties,   but it seems that Heringer sees there to be no necessary distinctions.   Victor avoids duality and tribalism and all with the negation of such distinctions.  


 LGBT-QAI+  Let's Go Brandon - Test/Question All Inquisitionists + (the sign of the cross)  


 According to Inside History the first murderer among the “colonists” in “America” was John Billington, murdering a fellow Plymouth Rock colonist.  Truth be known, the first white man to set foot on the shore would have been the first murderer, because he will certainly one who murdered a black slave, on the seas. Is this fuzzy logic? No. Inside History left out an important blankness in the story, the story never told.  That blankness was the color “black”  It is a curiosity to me that this was not even a consideration of the organization of Inside History. As white is blank now, black was certainly blank then.  It is time to realize these distinctions and realize the danger of leaving things blank. Some white dudes need to realize their blankness today, and black blankness in the past and present.  This is as close to liberal as I get these days, but there is definitely is a problem in the history being taught today.  No matter how you slice it.

Sam and the Dalai Lama's behavior

So Sam Harris had respected the Dalai Lama as being an extraordinary wise and compassionate person.   This came into question after the Dalai Lama’s weird behavior, which will be noted but not written about here. Harris seemed quite disappointed (?) in the Dalai Lama and he had an ageist reaction in remarking on the Dalai Lama’s 87 years of age.   What, again makes Harris such a celebrity, other than he is an atheism, that he would appear on a major news network’s talk show. Respect for what Harris says is high among listeners, but I have respect for him for something greater still. He is brave and audacious to stand in opposition to the once most influential parts of our society, religion. Whereas Schleiermacher spoke to the nobles of his age in defense of religion, Harris does the opposite.   But, let’s not get carried away, the audience for Harris and our society in general is not religious or of any faith.   There is no schism among them, our cultured people, wit...

apaterism and antipaterism

 When shopping online for a specific item, which is what I do, when the need is great and the conditions make it necessary, I go to as is the custom.  It is there that I notice a new movie out which blatantly throws crap in your face. At first I was curious to see if my eyes were deceiving me. What seems to be a patriotic title vamps you with a story line that blew me away.   One is bombarded with these themes, everywhere. If your significant spiritual leader watches movies these days (like on Netflix) you have to begin wondering what slips into the mind as normal, usual, and acceptable.  I fear the day when all pastors watch movies out of the entertainment system.  It is a broken and fallen system; as are all person-made systems. Preacher said this morning that kids need their father.   The fact is that we live in society where men are devalued or their character is exploited, and they are represented as diabolical or weak etc…   The...

I would have a decent conversation with the man Sam (if he is a man or something other or that we should not even make that distinction)

  Perhaps, in an effort to dis-acquaint ourselves with the notion of celebrity-ship (which causes emotions to outshine reason, e.g. jealousy, envy) would be optimal. Please give me some time to speak with Mr (now Dr) Sam Harris!!! In Sam Harris ’ world there would not be categories for things thems considers from insignificant to dangerous.   Perhaps, the great Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna put it best, or Jiddu Krishnamurti, or Buddha himself, put having conceptualizations about the world in the following way.   We live in a world that considers duality as something to be cherished and the theist/atheist divide is the most celebrated these days.   From the lips of Nagarjuna “ it is reasonable to believe reality is non-dual ” Or we can see that the nature of reality itself (if we are not in fact It Itself) Or reality is un-manifest, which is nothing to be conceived of or perceived, and in another case there would be no distinction between seer and seen.  ...

Babylon in the church ???

THIS distinction is so important now because even in the church evil may lurk . . . . .  The question is: Is the church caught in Babylon or is Babylon in the church.   Such insight comes from a secular philosopher. Giorgio Agamben developed the idea homo sacer, which is   defined as the sacred man who has the quality of being murder-able, without consequence to/for the murderer. The sacred human may thus be understood as someone outside the law, or beyond it. With respect to certain monarchs, in certain western legal traditions, the concepts of the sovereign and of the  homo sacer  have been conflated (CN). Giorgio Agamben writes: Ratzinger emphasies the difference between this thesis and Augustine’s, who nonetheless has clearly drawn inspiration from it for his idea of a Church  permixta  of good and evil. ‘[In Ticonius] there is not that clear antithesis of Jerusalem and Babylon, which is so characteristic of Augustine. Jerusalem is at the sam...

Sad De Sade or Happy De Sade

Richard Weaver’s Ideas Have Consequences expresses a negative view that the promethean way, us transforming the world into what we want it to be; very reminiscent of the promethean way in which Hoard Zinn did in A People’s History of the United States and Norman F Cantor accomplished in Inventing the Middle Ages .  Francis Schaeffer in 1976 wrote about the cultural elites of the 70s as did Weaver of the 50’ until 1962. Schaeffer complains that De Sade saw reality and morality as “what is, is right.”  This Zen-ish take on life, nihilistic as it seems, challenges us to think about what it means to be created in God’s image, as Schaeffer points out. “That’s it!,” simply put. This is all a reason why we should be aware of the uber-humanistic character of Anton Levey's Satanic Bible .

CAPITAL letters

  I have been barking about Yuval Noah Harari for a long time now.  Some reactionaries are saying that he is creating a new religion.  His trip to Sinai; like Obama’s trip to Egypt, is telling.  Please do not get hung up on the Political aspect here.  I am talking about the religious implications of people in power and their active and open behavior.  There is nothing difficult to see that these people influence our culture.  Besides, the conservative Christian has separated themselves to a larger and larger degree from the Political.  But as I said in a previous post, “the Religious is Political,” if Carol Hanisch can say “the personal is political” then certainly we have the right and duty to enter the arena of political activity and have aspirations concerning political matter.  We do not and ought not set back on our duffs and let the world be taken over by false religion, Satanism, Secular Humanism, or any political movement like sociali...