CAPITAL letters

 I have been barking about Yuval Noah Harari for a long time now.  Some reactionaries are saying that he is creating a new religion.  His trip to Sinai; like Obama’s trip to Egypt, is telling.  Please do not get hung up on the Political aspect here.  I am talking about the religious implications of people in power and their active and open behavior.  There is nothing difficult to see that these people influence our culture.  Besides, the conservative Christian has separated themselves to a larger and larger degree from the Political.  But as I said in a previous post, “the Religious is Political,” if Carol Hanisch can say “the personal is political” then certainly we have the right and duty to enter the arena of political activity and have aspirations concerning political matter.  We do not and ought not set back on our duffs and let the world be taken over by false religion, Satanism, Secular Humanism, or any political movement like socialism, and even the communist party (which exists in America).

About the Political, it has gained the status of the Master, and has been given the status of being a capital lettered word.   This Political needs to be deflated to perhaps even less than a lower case lettered word.  Simone Weil once said that words given capital letters are what men (sic) would shed blood over; this is Weil’s lesson for us.  So, Christianity, are you willing to shed blood, lose reputation, and feel uncomfortable about.  Is expressing you ideology, in the political sphere, anathema? I do not think so!!!


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