apaterism and antipaterism
When shopping online for a specific item, which is what I do, when the need is great and the conditions make it necessary, I go to amazon.com as is the custom. It is there that I notice a new movie out which blatantly throws crap in your face. At first I was curious to see if my eyes were deceiving me. What seems to be a patriotic title vamps you with a story line that blew me away. One is bombarded with these themes, everywhere. If your significant spiritual leader watches movies these days (like on Netflix) you have to begin wondering what slips into the mind as normal, usual, and acceptable. I fear the day when all pastors watch movies out of the entertainment system. It is a broken and fallen system; as are all person-made systems.
Preacher said this morning that kids need their father. The fact is that we live in society where men are devalued or their character is exploited, and they are represented as diabolical or weak etc… There is systemic father-less-ism, if there were any systemic ism, and there are. Racism is undoubtedly systemic. Misogyny is systemic, but there is plenty of blame to go around. Hollywood and celebrities do not get off the hook just because they support some foundation (some foundation for the humanities or open society). They need to do some major housekeeping and restoration to strike a deal in which there is no longer any anti-father-ism rhetoric or support for systems that promote what I will call apaterism and antipaterism. Let’s not just rail against the systems’ symptoms, like racism, misogyny, and apaterisim, though, but rather get at the roots of the system. There is a need for roots that are producing stability for families. Those roots need to be cultivated and fertilized.
Note Google’s definition for the foundation for the humanities:
The purpose of the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities is to develop and promote a broadly conceived national policy of support for the humanities and the arts in the United States, and for institutions which preserve the cultural heritage of the United States.
Preserving heritage is not what the foundation is doing or is it what the humanities and arts are doing, unless of course one understands these humanities and arts in their present state and where they are going to be healthy. The arts and humanities are sick and that is a root that needs to be tended to and needs therapy, which only a pater and mater together can successfully execute. I intentionally use langauge that the Left will get hung-up on, so go ahead and whine, leftists.