I would have a decent conversation with the man Sam (if he is a man or something other or that we should not even make that distinction)


Perhaps, in an effort to dis-acquaint ourselves with the notion of celebrity-ship (which causes emotions to outshine reason, e.g. jealousy, envy) would be optimal. Please give me some time to speak with Mr (now Dr) Sam Harris!!!

In Sam Harris world there would not be categories for things thems considers from insignificant to dangerous.  Perhaps, the great Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna put it best, or Jiddu Krishnamurti, or Buddha himself, put having conceptualizations about the world in the following way.  We live in a world that considers duality as something to be cherished and the theist/atheist divide is the most celebrated these days.  From the lips of Nagarjuna it is reasonable to believe reality is non-dual Or we can see that the nature of reality itself (if we are not in fact It Itself) Or reality is un-manifest, which is nothing to be conceived of or perceived, and in another case there would be no distinction between seer and seen.   

So, in some postmodern or modern fantasyland Sam Harris pitches out Voltaire, Spinoza, and Nietzsche, meanwhile clinging to Bertrand Russell, like a sapling (not to mention his high regard for Hitchens and Dawkins).  Quite idiocy if you ask me.  Below are some more remarks and ideas (which frankly we can do without ideas).  Who is to say that God may only BE outside of ideas? (Whatever!!!) Heck of an idea if you ask me!!! But so much for that, for it is an idea.  Even the idea that an idea is an idea which is an idea we can do without. Anyways, I give you the following content from a 2007 blog by thems majesty Sam Harris:

strategize about how best to live in a world in which most people believe in an imaginary God. America is now a nation of 300 million people, wielding more influence than any people in human history, and yet this influence is being steadily corrupted, and is surely waning, because 240 million of these people apparently believe that Jesus will return someday and orchestrate the end of the world with his magic powers”  (right???) 

such professions (religious or otherwise metaphysical)  themselves have had a disastrous affect (effect) on our political discourse, on our public policy, on the teaching of science, and on our reputation in the world” (grammar Dr Harris, grammar

"Given the absence of evidence for God, and the stupidity and suffering that still thrives under the mantle of religion

We should not call ourselves anything. We should go under the radar—for the rest of our lives. And while there, we should be decent, responsible people who destroy bad ideas wherever we find them

I remain convinced that religious faith is one of the most perverse misuses of intelligence we have ever devised. So we will, inevitably, continue to criticize religious thinking. But we should not define ourselves and name ourselves in opposition to such thinking

we should be quick to point out the differences among religions

The refrain, “all religions have their extremists,” is bullshit—and it is putting the West to sleep”  (profanity always helps an argument these days

it will be a world in which the very concept of separate races has lost its meaning

We will simply find ourselves in a world in which people cease to praise one another for pretending to know things they do not know. This is certainly a future worth fighting for. It may be the only future compatible with our long-term survival as a species

--- October 2, 2007

Frankly, in Sam's perfect world there would be no distinction. If he just take a good look around, he would see that there really are none.  There is only will and idea, as Arthur Schopenhauer said it best. Wake-up yourself Sammy.  A fist in the face is indeed and idea he could live without.  If either Cain killed Abel or some neanderthal stoned a hominid, would there be guilt? Heck, ideas, we can do with them and we could do without them. Of course Sam may be a sociopath who thinks guilt is just another concept with which we need do without. 

Wrap your head around all that!!!


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