Love is Love -or- the Devil made me do it

 Like all good researchers (not) I began with Google (yes spell check capitalizes it).  My aim was to  write about the lanaguge of a lot of Christains speak, how they commonly communicate, which is what I call Christianese.  Too my (not)surprise, my first google search gave me drop-down choices for “Christian response . . . “ of to pride month, evolution, transgenderism, climate change, the problem of evil (really a capital E), Barbie Movie (I have no clue), AI (artificial intelligence), Buddhism, and love is love.  Who made this list (I won’t say) Joy Behar?

Now, as I look closer at the love is love links below the first one is by Rebelution and the second by Focus on the Family.  The stupidity of Rebelution is ti cite I John 4:7-8 and emphasize the words “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” a sappy response considering the verses that precede this (v. 8) being I John 4:1-7 which is the injunction “believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” The motivation of the Rebelution is to use scripture to proof-text as is often done, which does not consider the entirety of the Biblical text together, in full. It is the use of a biblical text to cause doubt and rebel against belief in MoRaLiTy, what? Yes, morality.

Now I look at the Focus on the Family site to see if I detect (on the other hand) Christianese.  It took a few paragraphs of reading but I began to hit pay dirt. The words “attribute of God” “fabric of his creation” still more “As designed and exemplified by God” and the site ends with the words “divine author” 

Hence, one does not have to go far to see the distortion the Left makes of Scripture, nor very far to see how there is always the typical (“winsome”) approach which uses typical Christian language, affectionately called Christianese.

This was a painful post!!!


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