
 According to Inside History the first murderer among the “colonists” in “America” was John Billington, murdering a fellow Plymouth Rock colonist.  Truth be known, the first white man to set foot on the shore would have been the first murderer, because he will certainly one who murdered a black slave, on the seas. Is this fuzzy logic? No. Inside History left out an important blankness in the story, the story never told.  That blankness was the color “black”  It is a curiosity to me that this was not even a consideration of the organization of Inside History. As white is blank now, black was certainly blank then.  It is time to realize these distinctions and realize the danger of leaving things blank. Some white dudes need to realize their blankness today, and black blankness in the past and present.  This is as close to liberal as I get these days, but there is definitely is a problem in the history being taught today.  No matter how you slice it.


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