Sam and the Dalai Lama's behavior

So Sam Harris had respected the Dalai Lama as being an extraordinary wise and compassionate person.  This came into question after the Dalai Lama’s weird behavior, which will be noted but not written about here. Harris seemed quite disappointed (?) in the Dalai Lama and he had an ageist reaction in remarking on the Dalai Lama’s 87 years of age.  What, again makes Harris such a celebrity, other than he is an atheism, that he would appear on a major news network’s talk show. Respect for what Harris says is high among listeners, but I have respect for him for something greater still. He is brave and audacious to stand in opposition to the once most influential parts of our society, religion. Whereas Schleiermacher spoke to the nobles of his age in defense of religion, Harris does the opposite.  But, let’s not get carried away, the audience for Harris and our society in general is not religious or of any faith.  There is no schism among them, our cultured people, with the exception that some may be Satanists.  But, let’s not pick on the Satanist, for they might be a minority.  On the other hand, Satanism may well be more popular and a greater driving force than any world religion.  I can only be presumptuous to think that you can figure out when I am being sarcastic. I don't give a rat's azz what Harris has to say; other than to be concerned that he has taken in so many people and is becoming, like our buddy Yuval Noah Harari.  I write about these two because of the astounding influence they have, they are supposedly great philosophers. Jesus (the actual historical figure) said one does not put new wine in old wine skins. These postmodern or secular philosophers weave, cut, and sew from the same cultural swath that has been out for millennia. Great minds think alike, with the stupidity of thinking they have something new or novel to say.   


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