Conservatism, a new conjecture
“Nietzsche, who urges the depressed and demoralized individual to forge an entirely new path through the wilderness, one that is unique to him” This is not the full story on Nietzsche, and it cuts some corners on his thought. This statement about Nietzsche and individualism does not do justice to the whole of the Nietzsche’s project or life, but it can be a semblance of his thought, and that is all: I suppose I might accept that position. It is important to see this quote within its context. It comes from the work Conservatism: A Rediscovery by Yoram Hazony . This is an excellent book describing Hebrew Bible (Christian OT) conservative nationalism. This is not written from a position of hate, and cannot be indicated as anti-Semitic, and is written by this Jewish man who lives in Jerusalem. Having gutted books, I intend to read it more carefully. The challenge of Hazony’s work is his position on the roles of men and women. Hazony states t...