
Showing posts from December, 2022

Conservatism, a new conjecture

“Nietzsche, who urges the depressed and demoralized individual to forge an entirely new path through the wilderness, one that is unique to him” This is not the full story on Nietzsche, and it cuts some corners on his thought. This statement about Nietzsche and individualism does not do justice to the whole of the Nietzsche’s project or life, but it can be a semblance of his thought, and that is all: I suppose I might accept that position.   It is important to see this quote within its context.   It comes from the work Conservatism: A Rediscovery by Yoram Hazony .   This is an excellent book describing Hebrew Bible (Christian OT) conservative nationalism.   This is not written from a position of hate, and cannot be indicated as anti-Semitic, and is written by this Jewish man who lives in Jerusalem.   Having gutted books, I intend to read it more carefully.   The challenge of Hazony’s work is his position on the roles of men and women.   Hazony states t...

Is Marx and Engels ACCURATE?

"The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes, directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat"  Are there class struggles in the US?  Are classes really hostile to one another?  Can classes be distinguished?  Can there be clear enough boundaries to determine classes from one another?  How many classes are there?  What makes someone middle class, for example, income, education, occupation , or what? Let's read the Communist Manifesto to determine its accuracy, ourselves . . .. . . 

MAN and his philosophies, which do you follow

This is from the Book of Common Prayer:    It is a most invaluable part of that blessed “liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,” that in his worship different forms and usages may without offence be allowed, provided the substance of the Faith be kept entire; and that, in every Church, what cannot be clearly determined to belong to Doctrine must be referred to Discipline; and therefore, by common consent and authority, may be altered, abridged, enlarged, amended, or otherwise disposed of , as may seem most convenient for the edification of the people,” according to the various exigency of times and occasions.” Colossians 2:8 reads:    See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.   The Communist Manifesto reads: The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles...


  According to Todd May “ It should not be surprising that progressive movements often fail, or that their gains are only partial. After all, progressive struggles are struggles by and for the oppressed ” I know it seems that the emphasis is on the dichotomy of oppressor/oppressed, but this is not the point I want to make.  I want to see Jacques Ranciere’s influence on contemporary world, particularly the US.  In the US we have seen excessive success by the agenda of the progressives or the Left. It is not a matter of there not being success for the progressives.  What has happened is that the Left has succeeded to influence and capture power in the US.  Using the word “capture” I intentionally aim to point out the war like tactics of the progressives, including hate-speech directed at conservatives, propaganda, and outright lies in the media the US people consume. There is a level of double speech and what George Orwell would identify as “news speak.” That whic...

Fiction vs Truth

We live in a REAL and EVIL world; you may be able to read fiction, and your preference may be CS Lewis, but I cannot stand fiction.  Metaphors and such conceptualizations are not good descriptors of this world.   We need to know the Evil ones that apply their theory to our ideas and distort the minds of children and young adults.  Generations have gone to the pit of Gehenna (yes, look it up).  We must rescue our children from the Evils that make haste at destroying young peoples’ minds.  Get your nose out of tales and learn about the destructive forces behind what students (when learning to think critically) are faced with and taught to regurgitate while confronting their, hate to use an overused word, worldview.

Power or empowerment

Carolyn J. Dean writes, “Most trace decentering to a general philosophical recognition of the other” That is to say, when they (most) identify the other, they do so as the other is in relationship to the self.   It is a subtle philosophical and epistemological move that throws the self in relief, noted as decentered.   The position of the self will always be in relationship to the other now that this move has been made in many, if not all our basic philosophical orientations (or disorientations). The situation is this: “the self has been decentered, but it has not been relocated in an ‘other’ awaiting liberation (as in surrealism) or abolished” So the self has not been shifted to the position of an-other, nor has either been dissolved. The decentered self and the other are only understood in relationship to each other or some outlying variable. Understanding one as being in a position relative to another allows for the speaking of the other through the self.   The self ac...

decentered subject defined

  decentred self or decentred subject  a  conception  of  the self , or  the   thinking   and   acting   subject , in  which  the   self  is no  longer   regarded  as  providing   the   kind  of  ultimate   grounding   for   epistemological thinking   that  is  often   assumed  in  traditional   forms  of  philosophy .  from:

the modern self

  It is good that challenging understandings of CT are espoused on Reddit; for example, a user stated “My understanding (albeit very limited) has always been that CT as a project tends to actually be  skeptical  of . . . universal or transcendental conceptualization, opting for particular, immanentist, and historical outlook that's anti-metaphysical (maybe post-metaphysical is more accurate)” As a response on Reddit comes the following claim: “in the context of right-wing communities where everyone shares a distorted view of the subject, one that usually rests on actually the anti-racists/anti-oppression/anti-fascists are actually the racists/oppressors/fascists, so basically the Uno reverse card. The criticisms serve more as an attempt to build up a strawman that those communities can all agree on” It is true that right-wing communities have these understandings of CT and CRT.  It is with limited resources they do present CT and CRT as worldviews and as theories tha...

and the world knew Him not . . . . . . . .

  1 in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God: and the Word was God. 2 hoc erat in principio apud Deum The same was in the beginning with God. 3 omnia per ipsum facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est All things were made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made. 4 in ipso vita erat et vita erat lux hominum In him was life: and the life was the light of men. 5 et lux in tenebris lucet et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt And the light shineth in darkness: and the darkness did not comprehend it. 6 fuit homo missus a Deo cui nomen erat Iohannes There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 hic venit in testimonium ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine ut omnes crederent per illum This man came for a witness, to give testimony of the light, that all men might believe through him. 8 non erat ille lux sed ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine He was not the light, but w...

LIES (Gnostic culture)

 Alright, I have been around those who are influencing young people for the majority of my life.  Young adults do not need to be assaulted by words in environments where they are informed about what life is about.  The places where young adults find themselves today are all too familiar to them.  Even when they are faced with the cold realities of a “culture of death,” there is a way in which they have been told lies all their lives long. In early life, they were introduced to the idea that they are not their bodies but somehow exist distinct from their bodies.   There is a kind of disdain for the body or a low view of it. Often the body is seen as a site for art; other times, it is understood as a vehicle for the essence of what we are, which is contrary to the lived bodily experience per some twisted reassigning of it. Some understand their bodies to be fluffies; they believe that inwardly they are some kind of stuffed animals.  This distortedly low ...

Wicked and enemies of God's people

The psalmist (92:11) writes, “My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies; my ears have heard the doom of my evil assailants” Surely there are wicked and evildoers and those who truly oppress.  We have been suppressed, oppressed, cancelled, and called purveyors of disinformation. But some of the dung is starting to stink, and in the coming year we will see the evil fall and our enemies exposed for what they are, as they are in the highest places and offices. We will not have to do anything but pray them out of existence, and they will be scattered, as the psalmist writes in chapter 92.  Just sit back and watch the show, God is going to reveal the sources of the evil powers that have been reigning in recent years.                                     


Herein lies a problem: theologians and historians make me nauseated.  This reminds me of the dribble that Seminarians get to dig through.  I sat under Stanley Hauerwas in a class in college and would that such an experience would not happen again.  Alan, you may know of the Sunday School nature of the Colson Center's research these days, and in 2020 it added to my nausea.  Christian worldview was essential to me then, but they failed to address the real issues of that critical time in American history.  Then was the turning point at which major spending in trillions of dollars would be doled out to punks who would learn to sit at home and play their videogames instead of learning ways to make their own money. (see this video:

MISSIONALITY of the church //// MISSIONALITY posted 12/11/2022 @ 0824 hours

The missionality of the church hinges on the allies She builds with; these allies should not be wicked.  She is to bow to no wicked ruler and shall come out of Babylon, being the greater forces of lies that the church is in now. God's people do not enter into any connection with the wicked; see Psalm 94:20, for that matter, read the whole Psalm.  Ps 94:20 reads thusly,  " Can   wicked rulers be allied with you,   those who frame injustice by statute?"  God does not ally with the wicked, nor does His people, so come out of Babylon. God's true people will exit the current ideologies and enter into Truth, meaning the church within the church will rise-up against the lies of our present culture and governments. (notice all the italicized words here).  God will not play games with the wicked and the church's missionality is going to change when She leaves the church, the church which is caught up in Babylon MISSIONALITY (posted 12/11/2022...

Beware, parents

Elizabeth Bartholet is a Harvard professor and critic of homeschooling.   My article concerning her approach is coming up for December in the Homeschool Researcher Journal.   My dissection of her work was when it was not published or cleaned-up yet.   She is a sad piece of work.   Bartholet has authored a book entitled Family Bonds: Adoption, infertility, and the new world of child production .   I admit I have only read reviews of this book, but the title is frightening. Imagine seeing children as things to be produced, reminiscent of pro-abortionist language and rhetoric.   Bartholet stated that "parenting should not imply that the parent owns the child's affections or has a right to exclude alternative relationships."   Of course Bartholet (I assume she goes by she , though I could be wrong) puts children above parents in the hierarchy of decision making and follows with an argument like this:   “Nurturing should be central to parenting, not bi...

cry commies

According to Deborah Stone “Conservatives have a more restricted view of coercion, seeing it only in physical force and commands backed up with by the threat of force.” I note that leftists see coercion in words spoken, whether backed up by force or not. One utters a word seen as offensive then one has made a physical act.  This is why these people have Che Guevara as a hero, and Mao Zedong, because they could use force and threat, but present day Leftists can only utter words. It is their contention that words hurt others gravely and that language is the most effective force of violence beyond shear physical attacks. This argument could not beat its way out of a wet paper bag. Sorry to say commies you have to take your tongue lashings with more confidence than you have in the past, because you level the biggest tongue lashings imaginable in the mainstream media.  Conservative are not crying about your potty mouths, just concerned about the way you manipulate every system ther...

Leftist BS

Here is the newest introduction to an article in Sidecar (published by the New Left Review): Injured Egos ELI ZARETSKY ‘The case for national health care has never seemed stronger’, writes Judith Butler in  What World is This: A Pandemic Phenomenology . So too the case for a universal guaranteed income. ‘Socialist ideals are renewed. And the movements to abolish prisons and defund the police are no longer “crazy” pipe dreams.’ How to explain these new possibilities for the left? Butler’s book never mentions Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn. Instead, it focuses on how the experience of the pandemic has expanded our political imagination by upending the notion of ‘the bounded self’ ( this is BS )  Covid-19 may no longer be top of the headlines, but Butler argues that it has cast us as ‘relational, interactive’ beings, while ‘refuting the egological and self-interested bases of ethics itself’. Note the use of new words or vocabulary, not neologisms but words not in typical use, l...

Politicians are from Hell !!!

Politicians are the ones who are ill.  Eric Adams (D), mayor of NY has issued an edict for police officers to apprehend “mentally ill people who are unable to care for themselves.”  This is a command from the totalitarian leader who “won by a landslide” and is not a matter of whether or not a person is a danger to self or others. The criteria to be locked up is if the police find (subjective) a person (yes, person) unable to care for themself.  This is the last straw; if you think BLM, then let’s think MILM (Mentally Ill Lives Matter). This is a step in the direction of communism. Their censoring and jailing (or institutionalizing) individuals are frighteningly familiar to many who lived through war and regimes in the 20 th century.  Come on, man, who is responsible for this mess? Politicians. Power corrupts, by absolute power corrupts absolutely. What the heck is Adams thinking?  He is insane. This is a license to lock anyone up. It will be frightening to be h...

Qualitative, right

Nikita Carney writes an article that “consists of a qualitative textual analysis of a selection of Twitter posts” This is the academic equivalent of hocus-pocus and pulling the rabbit (white btw) out of a hat or finding what the researcher is out to prove.   The answer is in the question; the academician sets out to find what they are looking for in this type of so-called research. Qualitative research is based on no science ; it is not what the science says (as though the science says it means anything anymore anyway). One thinks they are getting something special with discourse analyses, but one is really getting to a matter from the perspective the researcher brings to it. Carney admits to using “sociological theories and tools” this is a soft science, better to be known as fake science.