According to Todd May “It should not be surprising that progressive movements often fail, or that their gains are only partial. After all, progressive struggles are struggles by and for the oppressed” I know it seems that the emphasis is on the dichotomy of oppressor/oppressed, but this is not the point I want to make. I want to see Jacques Ranciere’s influence on contemporary world, particularly the US. In the US we have seen excessive success by the agenda of the progressives or the Left. It is not a matter of there not being success for the progressives. What has happened is that the Left has succeeded to influence and capture power in the US. Using the word “capture” I intentionally aim to point out the war like tactics of the progressives, including hate-speech directed at conservatives, propaganda, and outright lies in the media the US people consume. There is a level of double speech and what George Orwell would identify as “news speak.” That which is consumed is the absolute opposite of truth about political and cultural matters.
Jacques Ranciere has had considerable influence in European or Continental philosophy, and culture building in the EU. How this philosophy of Ranciere’s has influenced US policy making is what I wish to spell out here. May states that “for most of the twentieth century, led under the banner of some version of Marxism” For those of you who want to see the continued suppression of language as a result of Marxism as a form in critical theory, then go ahead. The philosophy that has come out of France and the EU in the form of continental philosophy has had as much if not more of an influence on the world stage (Richard Rorty, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault to name some more familiar stalwarts of the Left).