Politicians are from Hell !!!

Politicians are the ones who are ill.  Eric Adams (D), mayor of NY has issued an edict for police officers to apprehend “mentally ill people who are unable to care for themselves.”  This is a command from the totalitarian leader who “won by a landslide” and is not a matter of whether or not a person is a danger to self or others. The criteria to be locked up is if the police find (subjective) a person (yes, person) unable to care for themself.  This is the last straw; if you think BLM, then let’s think MILM (Mentally Ill Lives Matter). This is a step in the direction of communism. Their censoring and jailing (or institutionalizing) individuals are frighteningly familiar to many who lived through war and regimes in the 20th century.  Come on, man, who is responsible for this mess? Politicians. Power corrupts, by absolute power corrupts absolutely. What the heck is Adams thinking?  He is insane. This is a license to lock anyone up. It will be frightening to be homeless in NY. The homeless there will move on to other places if it is feasible. Maybe this is the strategy to have the homeless leave NY.  Novel, but sick.  Politicians are from Hell !!!


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