cry commies

According to Deborah Stone “Conservatives have a more restricted view of coercion, seeing it only in physical force and commands backed up with by the threat of force.” I note that leftists see coercion in words spoken, whether backed up by force or not. One utters a word seen as offensive then one has made a physical act.  This is why these people have Che Guevara as a hero, and Mao Zedong, because they could use force and threat, but present day Leftists can only utter words. It is their contention that words hurt others gravely and that language is the most effective force of violence beyond shear physical attacks. This argument could not beat its way out of a wet paper bag. Sorry to say commies you have to take your tongue lashings with more confidence than you have in the past, because you level the biggest tongue lashings imaginable in the mainstream media.  Conservative are not crying about your potty mouths, just concerned about the way you manipulate every system there is in place, including millions upon billions of people.


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