Herein lies a problem: theologians and historians make me nauseated. This reminds me of the dribble that Seminarians get to dig through. I sat under Stanley Hauerwas in a class in college and would that such an experience would not happen again. Alan, you may know of the Sunday School nature of the Colson Center's research these days, and in 2020 it added to my nausea. Christian worldview was essential to me then, but they failed to address the real issues of that critical time in American history. Then was the turning point at which major spending in trillions of dollars would be doled out to punks who would learn to sit at home and play their videogames instead of learning ways to make their own money. (see this video: https://www.google.com/search?q=prager+u+video+adam+corola+i+don%27t+care+how+you+feel+learn+what+to+do+with+your+life&oq=prager+u+video+adam+corola+i+don%27t+care+how+you+feel+learn+what+to+do+with+your+life&aqs=chrome..69i57.53785j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4748c90f,vid:8i6LA-7mi9M) This is when I realized that we are in a more serious problem than is addressed by competing ideologies or even competing worldviews. All Hell broke loose when our government gave way to stupidity and the enabling of generations, making them dependent on the government. There is no mystery here, and it should have been addressed by those within the confines of producing Christian worldview literature.