
sick of both sides

There is the master in all situations, and the slave that is compliant in most, but not all.  In terms of social interaction there is the master/slave power relationship, as clearly as the dichotomy itself. In the colonial relationship there were ( and are ) the subaltern, the unheard, and the master who is very much heard from.  Mimicry happens when the colonized, who akin to the slave in being kept away from having a voice, imitate the master by attending to the master’s way of life. This can be done in a mocking way to disturb the apparent order of things. My friends on the Left (if they can be had) advise to have correct understanding of critical theory in the same vein the pastors on the right dictate the conversation and insist that the possess the correct understanding of critical theory and all the (of course) theological implications it has (when in fact it is not a singular theory, but a set of theories loosely hanging together, theories).  I get sick of the ...


Martine Aliana Rothblatt (look they up) bioethicist and biomedicine researcher; was in 2018 the top CEO as founder of the company Sirius XM.  This individual wrote the book Virtually Human, which explores the transhuman and how cyberconsciousness MAY affect people’s lives, in the future.  Whereas Daniel Dennett has written about consciousness and the how interconnectivity of neurons in the brain produce consciousness; Rothblatt (reportedly) understands technology MAY produce extensions to the (level or type?) consciousness humans (in this case transhumans) have; this is sought in the name of difference, and Rothblatt fits the bill for different (again, look they up). Interestingly, it is in the name of inclusion that we consider anything worth gazing our eyes on. Look though at the hideous look on the transhumant, in ever use of the term. Consider the individuals and their distorted understanding of sexuality.  Consider, if you will, the nature of those investigating the...

Same Old Story, Labelled New Democracy

Here I write to tell you what is going on today in the USA. I do so by showing you the mindset of Mao Tse-Tung and many in the US today. There is absolutely no new information here. Many have already pointed out the lies that we live in and how the Left is manipulating us. The scenario I lay out is based on a reading of Mao Tse-Tung’s work entitled “China’s New Democracy.” This is an exercise in demonstration of, via Mao’s text, just what was happening in the minds of this Chinese leader and his followers. We find in the work on the China’s New Democracy by Mao Tse-Tung the objective of the old type of revolution is to (as Mao puts it) “clear the obstacles in the way of the development of capitalism, yet this kind of revolution is no longer the old type led solely by the bourgeois class and aiming merely at the establishment of a capitalist society or a country under the dictatorship of the bourgeois class ” Mao has more to accomplish with his New Democracy as a result of a revoluti...


What a person says about social issues is not controversial, but rather they are political by their very nature.  If “the personal is political,” then anything a person utters is political and hence controversial. Whether one agrees with recent developments around a star’s statement or not, one needn’t even speak it. Implication exists based on one’s appearance, so heck, why not speak-out.  First of all, when one speaks it matters not what one says, but rather w ho or “what” they are, e.g. way to go with your agenda speaking speech, you really stuck your foot in your mouth.  On the other hand, the thought police really nailed you good.  Who is to say that the majority of Americans in this country take one side over the other on these issues? That there is an agenda is obvious.  There is always an agenda, just depends on who you are talking to, “left” or “right” in popular political parlance. “Liberal” and “conservative” have become dirty filthy terms. No matter ...

Mandate of Heaven . . . . (it's all the same)

  天下 Mandate of Heaven This is the mandate, that beautiful notion, the perfection of that which is in the historical. What is the difference between mandate of heaven and manifest destiny or divine providence?   It is that which comes about through no metaphysical being, but rather is the resultant in history.   The Zhou were the first to reference 天下 as that which is meant to be when a ruler won a battle. It was, to put it in a way that we can understand the sense, ordained. There was no personage in heaven or willful nature which ordained the result. This is a very difficult concept to portray in Western ideas or language. Just as the heart of perfect wisdom sutra states, “form is emptiness, emptiness is form,” so too the mandate of heaven is a concept of unusual meaning, for the Westerner.   Bottom line, there may be no equivalent in English, but it seems like that it indicates the winner gets to define history. Sound familiar? It is no wonder that, in a wor...

Watch this . . .

 No matter whether you’re Christian or Jew, no matter whether you’re young or old, no matter whether you're black or white, no matter whether you are American or not, please watch this:  nachba is here today, see the lies that exist within this video . . .

the illustrative Confucius killer (and his little sons too)

  So what does the deconstructive method have to do with communism? A lot.   The New Cultrural Movement in China began in 1915 with the introduction of New Youth magazine.   This magazine’s editor was the founder of the CCP, Ch’en Tu-hsiu.   His role was the stirring up of “scholars” (likely pithy idea-tribes)   Many of these so-called scholars were holding diverse points of reference, one thing for sure these academicians had political action in their sights. These scholars have been referred to as “awakened.”   Sound familiar? AND the father of American education, John Dewey, discipled Hu Shih, a very strong figure in the communist movement in China. Nowadays, scholars (call them) work diligently to overturn tradition.   The use of the deconstructive method is quite what these scholars get their bread and butter on. These scholars are working in conjunction with the methods of communism and its push to knock down tradition.   The contributor...