
What a person says about social issues is not controversial, but rather they are political by their very nature.  If “the personal is political,” then anything a person utters is political and hence controversial. Whether one agrees with recent developments around a star’s statement or not, one needn’t even speak it. Implication exists based on one’s appearance, so heck, why not speak-out.  First of all, when one speaks it matters not what one says, but rather w ho or “what” they are, e.g. way to go with your agenda speaking speech, you really stuck your foot in your mouth.  On the other hand, the thought police really nailed you good.  Who is to say that the majority of Americans in this country take one side over the other on these issues? That there is an agenda is obvious.  There is always an agenda, just depends on who you are talking to, “left” or “right” in popular political parlance. “Liberal” and “conservative” have become dirty filthy terms. No matter where one stands on an issue they will get flack for it.   Not speaking is not an options, silence allows hatred to spread.  Choose this day who you will hate, because before you can speak, you are already a hater. 


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