the illustrative Confucius killer (and his little sons too)


So what does the deconstructive method have to do with communism? A lot.  The New Cultrural Movement in China began in 1915 with the introduction of New Youth magazine.  This magazine’s editor was the founder of the CCP, Ch’en Tu-hsiu.  His role was the stirring up of “scholars” (likely pithy idea-tribes)  Many of these so-called scholars were holding diverse points of reference, one thing for sure these academicians had political action in their sights. These scholars have been referred to as “awakened.”  Sound familiar? AND the father of American education, John Dewey, discipled Hu Shih, a very strong figure in the communist movement in China.

Nowadays, scholars (call them) work diligently to overturn tradition.  The use of the deconstructive method is quite what these scholars get their bread and butter on. These scholars are working in conjunction with the methods of communism and its push to knock down tradition.  The contributors to the work in and of New Youth (communist publication, in early 20th century China) were adept at throwing down tradition, in particular Confucianism.  There among them is the slogan Down with Confucius and Sons, such tradition is referred to, by these scholars, as shit.

When you hear someone refer to deconstruction, pay close attention as to whether the one who is annunciating is promulgating communism. Again, we have to pay close attention to students who have been trained in the deconstructive method to decide if they have communist tendencies.  Who wants to send their children off to the university these days?


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