Same Old Story, Labelled New Democracy

Here I write to tell you what is going on today in the USA. I do so by showing you the mindset of Mao Tse-Tung and many in the US today. There is absolutely no new information here. Many have already pointed out the lies that we live in and how the Left is manipulating us. The scenario I lay out is based on a reading of Mao Tse-Tung’s work entitled “China’s New Democracy.” This is an exercise in demonstration of, via Mao’s text, just what was happening in the minds of this Chinese leader and his followers.

We find in the work on the China’s New Democracy by Mao Tse-Tung the objective of the old type of revolution is to (as Mao puts it) “clear the obstacles in the way of the development of capitalism, yet this kind of revolution is no longer the old type led solely by the bourgeois class and aiming merely at the establishment of a capitalist society or a country under the dictatorship of the bourgeois class” Mao has more to accomplish with his New Democracy as a result of a revolution being a fair society, fair for all or inclusive of all class.  Mao states that “a new type (of revolution) led wholly or partially by the proletariat and aiming at the establishment of a New-Democratic society” (italics added) Because of the intensive nature of the language here and the understanding that more than one discursive thread can run throughout Mao Tse-Tung’s iteration about the two types of revolutions, the old and the new, becomes clouded in meaning. The first type of revolution he understands is the bourgeois type (the old type) which ends in a “bourgeois dictatorship.” Those at the top of leadership and the “dictators” (as Mao would have it) have hegemony wrapped-up. This “old type” of revolutionary ideology put the bourgeoisie in control of all the effective mechanisms in society.  According to Mao the “new type” (New Democracy) of revolutionary activity puts emphasis on the proletariat winning the day. As we know the dictatorship is settled in the end by the authoritarian leader (in this case, for China, Mao himself). Mao’s language indicates a New Democracy which has power directed by the people, but this is not the case, as Mao expresses: “This kind of revolution is a great blow to imperialism, and therefore is not permitted but opposed by the imperialists. On the other hand, it is permitted by socialism, and is assisted by the Socialist state and the international socialist proletariat.” Here Mao cryptically explains that the “imperialists” dislike the revolution which leads to the “New Democracy.” The order Mao talks about is supported by socialists, Mao is makes it quite clear.  The “New Democracy” is in fact not a democracy, but rather a socialist system of governing. In the parlance of today’s revolutionary movement democracy = socialism.  This is very clearly demonstrated by the purely agenda driven perspective of American politics. The agenda is socialist, not democracy, there is a difference.  The use of words to manipulate swathes of the world’s population in favor of “democracy,” which is really socialism, is in full-mode.  This communist tactic has in its favor the media, part of the church, the academy, and well known well intending individuals and groups. This road leads to socialism, the “s” word, that word which has typically been treated as a bad-word is no longer such, this is the goal.  Once that is met, the move is to have power fall into the hands of an authoritarian dictator.  Mr. President becomes the dictator; in the Communist Era it was Stalin or Mao. In the present state of affairs the “leader” is illustrative and well-known, this is in the making, and we must not allow it to happen. Do not cave!!!  The byword for those who wish to seize more power is “democracy,” but what is really meant by that word is “socialism.” You are on the cusp of a new understanding of governing in our world.  Yes means no, up is down, words do not indicate the sameness of property but rather opposites.

All thsat said I am sure a few American leaders come to mind.  this is a old message with a timely meaning. The reality of socialism and totalitarian (not of some “soft” totalitarianism) are looking the US in the face.  (call it conspiracy theory if you wish).


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