
Big Numbers

Lets see how many hits I get . . . . let's break our record!!! there have been thousands so far . . . let's make it more . . . . . .   

Lies Lies Lies

Please, for crying out loud, read JD Ripper's book Words on the Street: Postcolonial Philosophy and Public Policy There you will find out what  drives the Left go take issue with so many of our social structures and the way we live.  The oppressed in this world are driving awfully nice cars and live in very large houses.  Oppression had become the byword of the Left and "woke" is now the word of the right.  Neither indicate the type of deSTRUCTion that is going on now. Every penny that you have earned is about to become insignificant. With the redistribution of wealth, guaranteed  income for each individual in this country, and reparations will be (if not already are) a big part of what is going to make you have less. In the wake of all this, one has to wonder what the politicians who promote such disastrous nonsenses are getting from it. Can it be power? Is it a dividend? one thing that is for sure Joe Biden has tasted that which you will never have. Some people in this

Go ahead and vote

 I heard a preacher say choose between the lesser of two evils. I choose no evil. I choose no to evil. The lie is about what democracy is said to be.  He says in the name of unity. The fact is, he is not about unity at all. He has solidly wedged between the right and the left that which will never be removed. He has sown some disunity impunity real lunacy. He has been a lie and a puppet for four years now. He did bus children to schools, not of their choice. whatever became of that truth. Do we want to be strong in the face of the world or weak in the face of the destruction that will come about when the lesser of two evils is chosen. She didn’t believe in him now she does. He didn’t believe in her now he does. what the H___?   They don’t know what they stand for, yes, they.  They don’t stand for democracy, but the new democracy, as in socialism leading headlong into communism and totalitarianism. Not some form of totalitarianism, called soft Totalitarianism, but real boot in the face

Woke Culture

What a misnomer “woke culture”!!! Woke is something that a few black women came up with a number of years ago. Our culture is not woke in their sense of the word. Woke is a term that has been hijacked by people who do not understand its nature. It is more akin to consciousness raising from the 1980s and 90s. Which had more to do with individual changes in peoples understanding of the world moving toward a more feminist Understanding of the world  woke in not our enemy. It is not equivalent to diversity, equity, inclusion. There are tribes, many tribes, but one does not equate them all with woke. Black people have been hijacked to fulfill the content of what is needed by the left to promote its agenda  Woke does not have anything to do with the leftist agenda  It is stupid to call what is happening now Wokeness . We are up against something much larger than that; We are up against a blob, an amorphous Entity that looms above us and threatens to take our individual freedom. The leftist c

sick of both sides

There is the master in all situations, and the slave that is compliant in most, but not all.  In terms of social interaction there is the master/slave power relationship, as clearly as the dichotomy itself. In the colonial relationship there were ( and are ) the subaltern, the unheard, and the master who is very much heard from.  Mimicry happens when the colonized, who akin to the slave in being kept away from having a voice, imitate the master by attending to the master’s way of life. This can be done in a mocking way to disturb the apparent order of things. My friends on the Left (if they can be had) advise to have correct understanding of critical theory in the same vein the pastors on the right dictate the conversation and insist that the possess the correct understanding of critical theory and all the (of course) theological implications it has (when in fact it is not a singular theory, but a set of theories loosely hanging together, theories).  I get sick of the duplicity but


Martine Aliana Rothblatt (look they up) bioethicist and biomedicine researcher; was in 2018 the top CEO as founder of the company Sirius XM.  This individual wrote the book Virtually Human, which explores the transhuman and how cyberconsciousness MAY affect people’s lives, in the future.  Whereas Daniel Dennett has written about consciousness and the how interconnectivity of neurons in the brain produce consciousness; Rothblatt (reportedly) understands technology MAY produce extensions to the (level or type?) consciousness humans (in this case transhumans) have; this is sought in the name of difference, and Rothblatt fits the bill for different (again, look they up). Interestingly, it is in the name of inclusion that we consider anything worth gazing our eyes on. Look though at the hideous look on the transhumant, in ever use of the term. Consider the individuals and their distorted understanding of sexuality.  Consider, if you will, the nature of those investigating these ideas. It i

Same Old Story, Labelled New Democracy

Here I write to tell you what is going on today in the USA. I do so by showing you the mindset of Mao Tse-Tung and many in the US today. There is absolutely no new information here. Many have already pointed out the lies that we live in and how the Left is manipulating us. The scenario I lay out is based on a reading of Mao Tse-Tung’s work entitled “China’s New Democracy.” This is an exercise in demonstration of, via Mao’s text, just what was happening in the minds of this Chinese leader and his followers. We find in the work on the China’s New Democracy by Mao Tse-Tung the objective of the old type of revolution is to (as Mao puts it) “clear the obstacles in the way of the development of capitalism, yet this kind of revolution is no longer the old type led solely by the bourgeois class and aiming merely at the establishment of a capitalist society or a country under the dictatorship of the bourgeois class ” Mao has more to accomplish with his New Democracy as a result of a revoluti