Woke Culture

What a misnomer “woke culture”!!! Woke is something that a few black women came up with a number of years ago. Our culture is not woke in their sense of the word. Woke is a term that has been hijacked by people who do not understand its nature. It is more akin to consciousness raising from the 1980s and 90s. Which had more to do with individual changes in peoples understanding of the world moving toward a more feminist Understanding of the world  woke in not our enemy. It is not equivalent to diversity, equity, inclusion. There are tribes, many tribes, but one does not equate them all with woke. Black people have been hijacked to fulfill the content of what is needed by the left to promote its agenda  Woke does not have anything to do with the leftist agenda  It is stupid to call what is happening now Wokeness . We are up against something much larger than that; We are up against a blob, an amorphous Entity that looms above us and threatens to take our individual freedom. The leftist culture is much larger than woke. Woke is only one piece of the ideas harnessed by the left. Some would say that this blob that we cannot identify is big government. One woman, and you’ll have to look this one up, who remains unnamed by me said the following   “I don’t understand why people have a problem with the word government, the government does everything for us” That is scary as hell, to think that the government might do everything for us. The reason why the blob remains undefinable is because it is a hidden entity, larger than life, particularly harmful to the free in the world. The blob wants us all to be dependent upon it.  The undefinable problem Remains bigger than us all put togetherAnd threatens to take over our individual freedom and make us dependent upon it for everything that would provide us sustenance  Be careful as well to watch for those who want to exterminate us, literally and figurativelyBeware of the one who can kill the body and the soul. Beware of the blob not the woke.


Anonymous said…
Yo, Bro! Why not call the blob what it truly is......Satan. Evil.

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