Go ahead and vote

 I heard a preacher say choose between the lesser of two evils. I choose no evil. I choose no to evil. The lie is about what democracy is said to be.  He says in the name of unity. The fact is, he is not about unity at all. He has solidly wedged between the right and the left that which will never be removed. He has sown some disunity impunity real lunacy. He has been a lie and a puppet for four years now. He did bus children to schools, not of their choice. whatever became of that truth. Do we want to be strong in the face of the world or weak in the face of the destruction that will come about when the lesser of two evils is chosen. She didn’t believe in him now she does. He didn’t believe in her now he does. what the H___?   They don’t know what they stand for, yes, they.  They don’t stand for democracy, but the new democracy, as in socialism leading headlong into communism and totalitarianism. Not some form of totalitarianism, called soft Totalitarianism, but real boot in the face totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is what it is, there’s no such thing as soft totalitarianism. Their Democracy is Like Mao tse Tung’s democracy.  Spitting out the word, democracy does not make it come into existence.  Actions, policies, speak louder than words. Are you better off now?  You will reap the consequence of your choices and your choice. It is important to vote. People are too lazy to seek out truth anymore. Flip on the screen and let media choose for you. Baudrillard, Massumi, CP Miller were right about the real being realer than real.  We no longer choose, it is chosen for you.  Sit back and enjoy the way you are being programmed, fused as Miller put it.   


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