
Reason and consciousness

I was told by a very wise woman once that morality is on the plane of religion. Then she followed with religion is irrational.  The undercurrent in our age is the foundational belief that religion is noxious and irreparably disdainful.  Atheism and Satanism are taught openly, while hatred of the Lord is done in both public and private sectors.  Whether you’re on the street corner, or classroom, or the halls of Congress, it becomes quite apparent that religion is hated in America. This condition, however, is not only in American issue, but rather it lies at the core of all worldly institutions and governmental processes.  The ones who complain about hate are the ones who hate the most. The worldly institutions and entities which hate religion the  most are entertainment, education, and the church itself.  For a world at once saw truth only to destroy it, the world is now seeking for truth, as it exists for each individual on their own terms in their own subj...

Short ode to dirt . . . .. . . .

  As noted in the New Left Review, Toni Negri offers “the overcoming of death – a resolutely atheist and collective idea of eternity – as the substance of his thought, politics, and life. He writes: ‘And yet the possibility of overcoming the presence of death is not a dream of youth, but a practice of old age; always keeping in mind that organizing life to overcome the presence of death is a duty of humanity, a duty as important as that of eliminating the exploitation and disease that are death’s cause’ ” What on earth is this kind of talk? It seems that Negri is saying ignore death and replace it with work of establishing a communist collective identity and breaking the spell of Capitalism.   Negri speaks of a ‘joyous ethical and political collective passion that fights against the trinity of property, borders and capital ’ So working within this collective passion keeps one busy enough to defy death? Good luck Negri, who died at age 90, where the H___ is he now?   Dead ...

Getting out of Babylonian Bureaucracy

 The new term for the left is “political violence”. Watch closely the left’s attack on freedom again.  They are using the idea of political violence to defend what they call justice and democracy.   The left is not stand for democracy or freedom or justice, but for. Special interests.  Here we go again into a period of the election cycle and it will demonstrate just tell Language is used to create a reality that is not real.  Believe it the media will prop up this propaganda.  In all this, the church needs to come out of systems, medical, social, ecclesiastical, bureaucratic, and government imposed. The left has hijacked all of these ideas to propagate its agenda, which is not about justice or democracy. Rather, they fight to stay in power and their politicians doctors lawyers in chieftains seek to keep the church in bondage. Church come out of Babylon.

Babylonian Bureaucracy (don't think black/white)

Bureaucracy is the way of hierarchy, power and subjection.    For decades now minority individuals have been in positions more of influence than one might imagine.  When you are on the phone to do business and ask for your call to be escalated this is the evidence of the hierarchy’s existence. Often, more often than not, one can be blocked or cut off in the middle of a transaction, and it is not because of inefficiency, it more a measure discouraging the caller.  It is the sort of thing that Saidiya Hartman writes about when saying “the enslaved failed to be compensated for centuries of unremunerated labor.  They never received the material support nor resources necessary to give flesh to words like ‘equality’ and ‘citizen’”  This mixed with a sort of individualism implied by liberalism in the West has left some of the descendents of slaves believing the ideals of “freedom” (to see that empty word’s strength questioned and deconstructed, read the intro...

SJL is not bad, there are good people there . . . . .

 Jesus yearned in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane for his church to be one . . . SJL has temporarily forfeited its efforts to remain one.  These people love the Lord, one unequivocal thing, event, or person (take your pick) or things, events, people (have it as you will, cannot tear that flock of Jesus' down.  Nietzsche could not lay a hand on them, by calling them sheep.  There is no give way to the whims of Satan. Strong leadership is not what the hurting huddled and striking-out masses or congregation needs.  Valiant Maccabees are not needed to wield hammers in the night.

Isaiah 5:13

 Therefore, my people going to exile for lack of knowledge, they’re honored men go hungry, and their multitude is parched with thirst. Therefore Sheol has enlarged its appetite and opened its mouth beyond measure

WAKE UP churches

WAKE UP churches, come OUT OF BABYLON.  I am sick and tired of the squabbles, infighting . . . behavior just proves to the nonbeliever how Janus-faced  Christians can be . . . the Lord will judge all nations according to Isaiah 33:22 He will spare His people . . . really, ask yourself, "who are His people?" what did the prophet mean?  is this the children of Israel or Judah He judges?  is this the nation of Israel? who will He judges?  the church? you look at the text . . . is it specific to its historical context or is it a text that applies to modern day Christian, Muslim, or Jew? you tell me . . .