Short ode to dirt . . . .. . . .


As noted in the New Left Review, Toni Negri offers “the overcoming of death – a resolutely atheist and collective idea of eternity – as the substance of his thought, politics, and life. He writes: ‘And yet the possibility of overcoming the presence of death is not a dream of youth, but a practice of old age; always keeping in mind that organizing life to overcome the presence of death is a duty of humanity, a duty as important as that of eliminating the exploitation and disease that are death’s cause’” What on earth is this kind of talk? It seems that Negri is saying ignore death and replace it with work of establishing a communist collective identity and breaking the spell of Capitalism.  Negri speaks of a ‘joyous ethical and political collective passion that fights against the trinity of property, borders and capital’ So working within this collective passion keeps one busy enough to defy death? Good luck Negri, who died at age 90, where the H___ is he now?  Dead as a doornail !!! Even in his work of liberating the proletariat he recognized the importance of what makes capitalism work.  How one get these things within what he calls a trinity is by working.  Negri either wasted his life and is glorified and enshrined in the part he took in life, all the while supposedly ignoring death.  So he like many capitalists, about now, is eating dirt.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


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