Reason and consciousness

I was told by a very wise woman once that morality is on the plane of religion. Then she followed with religion is irrational.  The undercurrent in our age is the foundational belief that religion is noxious and irreparably disdainful.  Atheism and Satanism are taught openly, while hatred of the Lord is done in both public and private sectors.  Whether you’re on the street corner, or classroom, or the halls of Congress, it becomes quite apparent that religion is hated in America. This condition, however, is not only in American issue, but rather it lies at the core of all worldly institutions and governmental processes.  The ones who complain about hate are the ones who hate the most. The worldly institutions and entities which hate religion the most are entertainment, education, and the church itself.  For a world at once saw truth only to destroy it, the world is now seeking for truth, as it exists for each individual on their own terms in their own subjective life.  So long as truth is wrapped up nicely, it can be carried only by the individual, and not by a community of faith. It is not individualism, which is expected to uphold truth, but it is truth, by worldly standards that holds up the individual. Truth is found in your aloneness, in your utterly private world, with you alone.  With new fears about artificial intelligence, environmental concerns, and nuclear war on a global scale, the last bastion of hope for this world is found in the primacy of the individual.  The looming question is: how is one to find truth and real accuracy in the world of representations. For artificial intelligence represents the subject as a thinking substance.  The problem is thinking, or cognition, comes at the cost of the inability of artificial intelligence to experience real and genuine consciousness.  Artificial intelligence can only create the illusion of consciousness by exhibiting behaviors that make it seem to be conscious. Consciousness is where all truth lies for the modern world. True consciousness is an illusion which silicon can only replicate.  That the other can be known is a mystery. Science is behind the eight ball and is holding humans under scrutiny about environmental conditions.  So as long as these conditions remain humanity will be in the spotlight and on center stage. 


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