
SJL is not bad, there are good people there . . . . .

 Jesus yearned in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane for his church to be one . . . SJL has temporarily forfeited its efforts to remain one.  These people love the Lord, one unequivocal thing, event, or person (take your pick) or things, events, people (have it as you will, cannot tear that flock of Jesus' down.  Nietzsche could not lay a hand on them, by calling them sheep.  There is no give way to the whims of Satan. Strong leadership is not what the hurting huddled and striking-out masses or congregation needs.  Valiant Maccabees are not needed to wield hammers in the night.

Isaiah 5:13

 Therefore, my people going to exile for lack of knowledge, they’re honored men go hungry, and their multitude is parched with thirst. Therefore Sheol has enlarged its appetite and opened its mouth beyond measure

WAKE UP churches

WAKE UP churches, come OUT OF BABYLON.  I am sick and tired of the squabbles, infighting . . . behavior just proves to the nonbeliever how Janus-faced  Christians can be . . . the Lord will judge all nations according to Isaiah 33:22 He will spare His people . . . really, ask yourself, "who are His people?" what did the prophet mean?  is this the children of Israel or Judah He judges?  is this the nation of Israel? who will He judges?  the church? you look at the text . . . is it specific to its historical context or is it a text that applies to modern day Christian, Muslim, or Jew? you tell me . . .  

Pastors and Doctors

 If you got an invitation to this blog don’t worry it has been bbc’ed to many, so here goes.  ALL CHRISTIANS are like Peter.   I grew up in the church so I know Christians’ behaviors at times. I thought just maybe the Lutheran church was gracious enough to forego this stupendousness.  WRONG.  My Masters thesis at Hollins University was about trauma and theodicy (I will take a moment for you to look it up on google scholar) The nature of this blog site, I will stay on the right.  Abusive is what many master signifiers are (again, a moment). Doctors, pastors, lawyers, and more; these are the master signifiers in our lives.  They are sure to say “if you’ve got the money honey I’ve got the time”.  I have yet to have a conversation with any of these without being lectured by a master signifier.  I should say or hope that not all these fine people are like this, but over the past 14 years the opportunity to talk without being spoken over has not af...

Who is the other?

  Anthony Cohen once stated that, when determining how others think “we devise­­d systems for constructing other people’s consciousness, without enquiring too closely into their veracity” The truth be known? Cohen is right, when I try to think of how another person thinks I have taken into account the way my thought is structured.   It is important to realize that we make ourselves what we are in relationship to others, be it family, friends, or acquaintances.   We are continually making the self (see Alan Watts, Irving Goffman, or Jacques Lacan for more on this) based on the representations of ourselves that we have or that the world gives us.   We see the world through our eyes which are the receivers from the messenger who returns the verdict (that which we come to believe) to the judge (our consciousness) The commotion in the jury room (the recesses of our mind or our unconscious) is completely based on the weighing of the evidence which is rendered fact by the j...

Definition Nation in Butler/Spivak (working on today)

Recognizing the role of language in the destruction of nation as the aim and function of postmodern and postcolonial philosophers and theorists is crucial.   Identifying who recognizes and utilizes the significance of language as defining people is fundamental to the issue. Even though Judith Butler has written profusely about performativity and that is even evident in her work within Who Sings the Nation-State, it is important to note the subtitle of the book’s inclusion of the words “language” “politics” and “belonging.”   The seeming aim of this book is to advance the no borders mentality and frame of reference for the progressives’ agenda to tear down the very idea of there being a nation of the United States.   Butler writes about the notion of nation in the following. Butler advances that “state binds in the name of the nation, conjuring a certain version the nation forcibly” (4) Butler continues to diminish boundaries by stating that the same structure “unbinds, ...

Comments Questions on FAITH AND THE PSYCHE (or Luther and the self)

I am sharing my notes first, to mention some of the ideas in the page that follows, along with my comments and questions. First, I must echo the Gospel of John chapter 17 verse 22. Glory has been given to Christ from the Father and Christ has imputed glory to/on the disciples. Do we share in that same glory? Yes, amen and amen . . . . . . .   My Comments and Questions: “twofold subjectivity” is silliness “fact that man himself becomes the object of reflection” illusion a trick the brain is playing on itself, how is that for demeaning and debasement of the self? Reduction of self equaling “as German mysticism itself expresses it, to nothing” This did not originate from Western mysticism, much less German mysticism. “the concrete aspects ( das Konkretum ) of my life”  what part of the self is concrete, must we cling to this concept?  (this result of cognition) or is clinging what leads to suffering?      “shrivel to a mathematical point ” how do yo...