Pastors and Doctors

 If you got an invitation to this blog don’t worry it has been bbc’ed to many, so here goes.  ALL CHRISTIANS are like Peter.   I grew up in the church so I know Christians’ behaviors at times. I thought just maybe the Lutheran church was gracious enough to forego this stupendousness.  WRONG.  My Masters thesis at Hollins University was about trauma and theodicy (I will take a moment for you to look it up on google scholar) The nature of this blog site, I will stay on the right.  Abusive is what many master signifiers are (again, a moment). Doctors, pastors, lawyers, and more; these are the master signifiers in our lives.  They are sure to say “if you’ve got the money honey I’ve got the time”. 

I have yet to have a conversation with any of these without being lectured by a master signifier.  I should say or hope that not all these fine people are like this, but over the past 14 years the opportunity to talk without being spoken over has not afforded itself much. Pastors can be abusive.  Doctors can be condescending and blatantly mean. The list of master signifiers goes on.    

So people of the cloth and people in white coats be not alarmed    You can and have said good things, but with boldness that not many can match   The tongue is sharp  Yes yours is   Remember our friend Michel Foucault “knowledge/power”  I say “power/knowledge”  

Don’t get offended    We are all sinners  There is none righteous no not one Romans 3:10  Be sure that you will over-speak another today  You will and have been abusive    Abusing power comes easily so start being careful  Master signifiers you need to listen and bridle your tongues personalities and attitudes   


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